"Morning After Pill"


>>>The MAP is NOT considered a form of birth control.
>It works like Oral contraceptives...
>1) suppresses ovulation
>2) thickens cervical mucus
>3) alters the endometrial lining
>Same mechanisms as oral contraceptives. I understand the
>issue with mechanism #3 (abortifacient effect), but it is not
>unique to MAP.
>I apologize for keeping this going but just wanted to address

I recognize that some BC pills work in the same way chemically as the MAP. However, I think the above quote was intended to mean that the MAP is not sold or prescribed as birth control. So, it is NOT the same thing as a condom or BC pills. I have never seen the insert for the MAP but I think it is safe to assume that it is NOT intended to be used as a method of birth control.

All OCs and MAP work the same. I understand what you are saying (it should be used as emergency contraception :)), but MAP is considered a contraceptive or birth control.

>All OCs and MAP work the same. I understand what you are
>saying (it should be used as emergency contraception :)), but
>MAP is considered a contraceptive or birth control.

I really don't want to get into semantics here(really, I don't:) )but the inserts in the MAP specifically say that it is NOT birth control. I just read two online and they both say they contain about 2x the level of hormones found in regular BC pills and that they are considered 'emergency contraception.' Now, I realize that the MAP does control birth but, my broader point(which, I acknowledge, you said that you understand:))is that there is a difference between BC pills or condoms and the MAP. I agree that the MAP and BC pills work on your body the same way but my point is about the intent of each drug. Your doctor won't just write you a script for the MAP the same way they do for BC pills. It is intended to only be used in an emergency not as a form of birth control similar to the pill, diaphragm, condom, etc.

The pharmacists who refuse to fill MAP scripts do this because they classify MAP as abortifacients. My point was that these MAP and ALL OCs share the 3 mechanisms listed in my previous post.

As for not being birth control, it shoud not be your regular method. So, how should we classify MAP?

"A free market economy dictates that business owners do NOT HAVE to carry anything that they aren't required to carry. I just don't see why that is a big deal. Don't you think a business owner should get to decide what they want to sell?"

Actually, pippa, I guess I agree with this statement. So I think the best thing for people like me who think this medicine should be available everywhere, is to find out which pharmacies do not carry it, and then refuse to ever buy anything from those pharmacies, and to encourage our friends to also do the same if they feel the same way, and to write letters to the pharmacies explaining why they will not get our business. It is true that in the American economy nothing persuades like financial gain or loss...

Well, I thought there was recently a discussion on this board about divisive, controversial issues such as this. Even with that said, I have to put in my two cents. Sorry to those of you who will surely be offended by my honesty.

The fact is that no one should be able to put their religious beliefs, or anything else, in MY uterus! If you become a pharmacist, you know in advance that there will be medications that you may have to dispense that you may not agree with. If this is the case, here's a thought: don't become a pharmacist. Give me a break.
Secondly, its not a matter of just getting into your car and driving to another pharmacy. Tell that to the girl who just got rape! Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your problem, but I'm not giving you your prescription because I think it's wrong. Or how about the poor women who live in very small towns, where the next closest pharmacy is often a substantial distance away? What do they do?
The hiding behind religious beliefs nonsense as a means to control other peoples' lives is ridiculous. This is often how the religious right operates. From a personal perspective, I don't care about the right's beliefs or points of view. I'm an atheist and shouldn't have to live according to some religion's rules, whether that religion is Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Wicca, whatever. This kind of nonsense makes my blood boil.


Thank you.

You'd think after reading this thread, I would of caught on to what MAP stood for. :eek:


Following the Boy and Girl Scout Motto of "Be Prepared". Why couldn't a person buy the MAP and keep it in a personal first aid kit so if unexpected intercourse happenned the they wouldn't have to shop the pharmacy in a crisis. I live in an area that doesn't have 7/24 pharmacies.

When I was diagnosed asthmatic I bought a dozen inhalers and I've got them in the cars clove boxes and first aid kits etc.

If one has the unplanned intercourse it's probably already a crisis, why make it worse? My teenage DD went on the pill early, we had a discussion that pregnancy was not the worst outcome of casual sex. I'll have to ask her about her thoughts on the MAP. Maybe she should build a "panic" kit. I thank you all for the discussion it has been enlightening, I'm not going to take a side on the debate as I can see both sides.

Thanks to all for an interesting and informative discussion.

I have to wonder why every few posts someone has to yell, "End this dicussion already!" What's wrong with this discussion? As I stated, I found it very interesting and enjoyed reading all the veiwpoints and information. How else does one increase knowledge and broaden their horizons other than reading and discussing opinions among contemporaries?

I had posted to "end this discussion" because after several posts had been written about how people wished to end the thread and how uncomfortable they were with the topic, it seemed like a general consensus had arrived where people involved had decided to let the thread fizzle. Yet, every time I checked the forum, another post had been added to the thread. I have no problem with discussions like this and personally don't mind the topic, however I was frustrated with how so many people were asking to end the thread and had generally decided that it shouldn't be continued and yet it kept arriving at the top of the page somehow.

Like I said, I have no problem with discussions like this--this thread actually remained pretty civil and courteous. However, there has been an overwhelming amount of negativity, harshness, and disrespect within this forum lately and the last thing I wanted to see was another post go wrong and taint the good nature of a great fitness forum.


>I have to wonder why every few posts someone has to yell, "End this dicussion already!" What's wrong with this discussion? As I stated, I found it very interesting and enjoyed reading all the veiwpoints and information. How else does one increase knowledge and broaden their horizons other than reading and discussing opinions among contemporaries?

I completely agree with this statement. If you don't like the discussion, then just don't click on the thread. I don't think forum members should be trying to shut down a discussion that people are involved in and obviously find interesting. If things turn ugly, then the thread should be reported and locked or deleted.


I guess I just don't see where it had been 'generally decided' that the discussion should end. If people are posting to it then it seems like people want the discussion to continue. Just my thought....:)

Unfortunately, a thread like this invariably wanders into pro/anti abortion territory, which, (agree or disagree is just my opinion) has no place here. To some it's a birth control pill, to some it's an abortion pill.

<<Unfortunately, a thread like this invariably wanders into pro/anti abortion territory, which, (agree or disagree is just my opinion) has no place here.>>

"Open Forum: Talk about anything you like in this forum including other videos you like or dislike."

As long as the discussion civil and respectful, it has a place.

While I agree that discussions such as this usually are an exercise in futility(people only end up mad/upset and rarely is anyone's mind made up or changed after the discussion), I also agree that there is no reason to try to 'stop' the discussion. All threads 'die' on their own eventually so I just don't understand trying to make people not respond to a particular topic.

Now, I realize that when there is a 'troll' or someone is clearly just trying to stir the pot it is better to ignore than respond but that is obviously not the case here. My 2 cents....

I wasn't going to respond to this thread and just bite my tongue. But I can't! However, I am not going to comment at the original subject.

It has been really annoying me over the past few months that some people seem to take it upon them to police what topics can be discussed and what cannot be discussed (I am not talking about ignoring trolls, I am all for that) and when a thread needs to stop.

I think many of us do enjoy discussions as long as they stay civil and as long as they are not started for the sole purpose of controversy. That being said, there have been several discussions on this forum that in fact caused me to reevaluate my stance on certain issues or modify my opinion (I have kind of a black and white mindset, and much to my surprise, I discover, there actually is grey ;-))

There are some threads that I find out of place or that give too much personal information for my taste. But who am I to decide what is an appropriate topic to discuss, just because I find it inappropriate doesn't mean that it is, it must be to some interest, concern, etc. to the poster or to other people who respond.

As far as I am concerned, this forum is Cathe's forum, as long as she is okay with whatever topic, I am fine with it. It may not be what I want to discuss, but it is not all about ME! None of us is more valuable than the other, none of each of our opinions count more than the other.

Just because one person is "done" with a particular discussion, is uncomfortable or doesn't like the particular subject, doesn't mean that the rest of the forum needs to quit posting on that, if they are still interested in that particular subject or didn't have the chance to contribute something that they find important.

If someone doesn't like a particular subject, or the tone, or whatever, there always is a back button. Noone forces us to read everything here, noone forces us to participate in a discussion. Noone forces us to watch certain programs on TV. There are certain movies that I won't watch, but I don't need to go up in arms about other people wanting to watch Terminator or Passion of the Christ, or ......, or even worse, have their kids watch it.

I think challenges and discussions have a place in our society and on this forum. If we didn't have people engage in discussions and challenging beliefs, we'd still be sitting on trees throwing coconuts at each other.

I thought this discussion was VERY civil, it was just an exchange of opinions, there was no need to go up in arms to stop it. How about a little more tolerance??

Well said Carola! I'm relatively new here and have found it a little distressing that any remotely controversial thread always gets the "please stop posting" response at some point.

I agree with you, as long as people are being polite/civil I don't think anyone needs to try to 'stop' a conversation.:)

I was in no way trying to stop a discussion. I didn't really care whether or not it went on. But when people keep complaining that something should end, they should end it--i.e. STOP POSTING IN IT. It doesn't mean the thread needs to stop receiving replies. My point was that people who want it to end should let it do so and those who want to continue voicing their opinions should continue. I agree that this is Cathe's forum and who am I to try and put an end to a thread just because I don't like it, feel uncomfortable, don't agree, etc. Whatever. The thread can stay at the top of the page until the cows come home for all I care. I was making a blatant point and observation to people that if they want it to end to stop posting. It will die in time.


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