More running advice, PLEASE


I'm doing the 7 mile first leg of a relay on May 15. I would like advice on how to best use my time.

I'm finishing the STS Strength/Cardio rotation this week. I have been running 1 (sometimes 2) days a week during this rotation--substituting runs for some of the cardio but keeping the HiiT workouts (and Plyo Legs). My runs are 7 or 10 miles (usually 10), so distance isn't an issue. I would like to work on my speed. Currently, I run a 10 minute mile on 7 mile runs and closer to an 11 minute mile on the 10 mile runs.

How can I best use my STS recovery week and the following week to maximize my training?

Thanks so much!
I would add in 2-3 additional runs, shorter in length (3 - 5 milers, whatever feels good) at an aerobic pace for your recovery week (it is a recovery week after all!). The following week, during those additional runs, make 1 of them at a faster pace (do intervals, or fartleks or something to have you pick up the pace for stretches), and 1 of them a hill repeat workout (do a few hill repeats tossed into the middle of the run), keeping the other pretty mellow.

That said, you aren't going to do much between now and the race that will increase your speed on race day - there simply isn't enough time for that. But adding in additional running, as long as you feel good during and are recovering well, could perhaps make race day more enjoyable, and just in general get you jazzed about running.
The best ways to increase speed are to work on interval training and hill runs. The hill runs should be short, but intense. No distance, just back and forth up and down the hills. There's a great article on hill runs at the Cool Running website. You can probably find a lot of other info on ways to increase speed there as well!

You may want to check that out.

I just found this article in Runner's World:,7120,s6-238-263-264-12079-0,00.html
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Thanks for your replies. Unfortunately, there are no hills to be found where I now live.:( There are some inclines on the trail I run on, so I'll work on going fast up those. I know 2 weeks isn't enough time to really improve my speed, but I wanted to make the most of my recovery while preparing for the race. I'm hoping that when my legs aren't so fried from STS that they'll be able to go a little faster.:eek:

I appreciate the advice.

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