More Pictures

SNM Videos

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-00 AT 10:26PM (EST)</font></center>

We have just posted about 40 more pictures from the first day of shooting. We have a lot more pictures to post, but we have to wait until we get the rest of the pictures back from the lab.
The pictures we have posted are from Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max.

Go to :

We're so grateful for the extraordinary amount of energy and enthusiasm that Cathe's crew has dedicated to these videos. The exuberance of goodwill, that of the crew and that of Cathe's webbies, makes my heart leap...almost as high as those astonishing kicks!!!

Kathy Tyrer
I would say I was speechless..

after looking at those pics, but that would be impossible for me!LOL

I almost hyperventilated when the first picture was loading and all I got was the heading with Brendas name in it! Ya did us proud Brenda!!!

The pictures of Cardio Kicks are just awesome (there is that word again
)...can't wait to get my hands on that video!!!

Love all the new faces..along with Brendas too

AND...someone drag Rhonda to the forum and have her answer a few questions regarding her AB routine!!!
...inquiring minds want to know what that girl has been look great Rhonda!

This is like torture!

The pictures look so great, I can't wait for the videos! I'm so glad I got these two on VHS as well DVD. I don't know what I'm gonna do when you post the 6-pack pictures! I only ordered those on DVD.

Brenda, I want your autograph!!

Hey, Brenda. Looks like I'm not the only person who wants your autograph. Even one of your good friends wants your autograph, too. I told you that you're now a celebrity.

I think everyone in the pictures looks absolutely awesome. I'm proud of each and every one of them. Thanks everyone, for making these videos a reality.

I just got a new DVD last night. Now I have to decide when I'm going to get Cathe's tapes on DVD (you did notice I used when and not if). ;)

Thanks so much!!!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-00 AT 04:36PM (EST)</font></center>

You guys at SNM really outdo yourselves for those of us who lurch around this site all the time. You KNEW we would want lots of pictures!

Great job. Tell the boss you deserve a raise.

Cathe, you look great, and, boy, can you snarl! I'd hate to meet you in a dark alley, as evidenced by those pics from "Cardio Kicks!" Even when snarling, you're still a babe!

Can't wait for those videos! Thanks for the teaser!!!!

Brenda my dear, you look mahhhhhvelous!!! I hope to see you in October so I can bow at your feet. LOL! Seriously, you look awesome!!

And I agree with Nancy, I want to know HOW Rhonda got those muscles. Incredible!

I promise to stop drooling now....when will these tapes ship out!? Wheeeeeee!


Everyone looks amazing.
I am SO psyched for these workouts!

Cathe, you certainly know how to kick butt!!
Drooling and hyperventilating!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-00 AT 08:47AM (EST)</font></center>

Nancy is not the only one doing these things!! : )

Wow!! Everyone looks so FIT in all these photos!! I can hardly stand the wait!

Cathe you look so beautiful! You are such an inspiration and a wonderful role model to all women.

Take care!

Tammy Churchman

Seeing the pictures makes me so excited to do the workouts; I can't wait to start. Everyone looks fantastic. Rhonda improves
with every video. I remember when she was in MegaStepBlast or Step Max, and she was really skinny. Now she looks strong!!! Cathe looks exactly as she did before the baby and it's hard to believe!

Sandi M.
I'm scared!!!!!!

There is some serious sweating going on in those pictures! I just took a week off from working out and those pictures told me to get off my rear and start preparing for the new tapes.

Cathe, you look so wonderful......even better than pre-baby! If those workouts are what got you back in shape, I'm glad I preordered!

And my goodness....Steve and Mike are going to make working out a lot more inviting! Whhhooooweeee!

That bicep picture!

Heather...I got a little scared at the bicep curl in circuit max! I think Cathe is going to be making sure we finish those reps!!!

I am also with ya on the mike and steve thing
..helllooo fellas!


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