More info on Body Blast?


Now that it seems that the editing of the new videos is drawing to a close, do you have anymore tidbits you can share with us? I don't mean to be greedy, but I'm just DYIN' for more information! The pictures have been incredible...I think even more amazing than the pictures for the Intensity series.

More info? Pretty please!!!!:D
I'd love to see the chaptering breakdowns of the DVDs -- especially for the Timesaver. Maybe when you release the videos, you could give us the chaptering info to tie us DVD users over until ours are ready? I'm excited to see what's in store too! -- Renee
Hi Angela and others too!

Hmmm, I don't know where to begin sharing. We finished editing the VHS tapes and are still hard at work authoring the DVD's. I enjoyed filming all of the workouts. The cast, as well as the "behind the scenes" gang, were so much fun and gave so much their time and energy to make this all happen. We had a "blast". I'll look through your questions to see if anyone asked anything specific about the body blast series but just wanted to say that I really appreciate everyones patience and energy as the final stages of the Body Blast Series are almost complete :)
Thanks Cathe - my request for information is along the lines of what Renee asked, so I will wait patiently...but it is HARD!! ;)
Step, Pump, and Jump is a 75 minute workout that features all top hit songs. You'll do a step warm up, a 16 minute step routine, then clear your steps out of the way for a hi/lo circuit workout. The circuit consists of 4 cycles of hi/lo and weights. Each hi/lo and weight segment are about 5 minutes long. Then you'll do an ab workout and a cool down. Let me see if I can remember the songs:

Warm Up: Abracadabra

Step: 1st song instrumental
Kung Fu Fighting
Golden Eye (James Bond movie)
You Spin Me Round (like a record)

Hi Lo: Rebel Rebel
Weights: Sleeping Satelite

Hi Lo: Holding out for a Hero
Weights Freedom

Hi lo Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Weights Breakfast at Tiffanys

Hi Lo Instrumental
Weights Without You (I can't live, if living is without you)

Abs Dreams

Cool Down Eternal Flame
Thanks so much Cathe! I just did C&W this morning and was getting extra excited about the Blasts, but will also admit that I still have plenty of your workouts to keep me happy until those DVDs are released. So any bits you share are fun for us to hear, but until then, we still have you working us to the core (quite literally -- my post-partum body still can't do planks like it used to :) ). -- Renee
Wow thanks Cathe! The music on this one sounds awesome! I am just about ready to burst with excitement. You are truly one of a kind. Love, Heather
Hi Cathe!

I'd like to know the basic elements and time breakdowns on the 5 timesaver workouts. Something on the lines of --

Workout 1: warm up; 20 min step cardio; biceps, triceps, abs; total workout time 40 minutes
Workout 2: .....

Or whatever info you have on them.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to pre-order this one.

Thanks so much for all the great workouts and the time you take for this forum!!!
Hi Bluna, oh my how close you are......We are working diligently on this. As a matter of fact I will be out of the office all day tomorrow working on this project. The thought process is to make a 5 day rotation. Four of the rotations will have this type of format.....Warm up, short 22 to 27 minute cardio, one or two body parts, and a stretch, all ending within 40 to 45 minutes per workout. For the 5th rotation we are considering doing all legs with a core segment at the end. Again a 40 to 45 minute workout.

Hope that helps!
Would be doing the happy dance, if I wasn't so tired from IMax2.
I'm so excited for these workouts!
Thanks again Cathe! I vote for an All Legs day -- and if this All Legs Timesaver is anything like the Muscle Endurance Lower Body Split then I'm in for some more time-crunched, leg-draining fun! I just did that Pre-mix this morning and when I was done, my oldest daughter asked me if I'd carry our baby boy downstairs for breakfast (she plays with him when he gets restless at the end of my workouts). I told her that after all that constant leg work, I'd be lucky if I made it down the stairs without my legs buckling -- it was all I could do to make sure my legs held strong on each and every step -- he was much safer without me! I just love how even the shorter pre-mixes can give me a great workout!!! -- Renee
Hi Renee! Thanks for the input. I imagine with 6 children you completely rely on Timesaver workouts. Hugs to all of your kids (and extra tickles to your little one). I'm so impressed that they respect mommy's workout time.

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