Step, Pump, and Jump is a 75 minute workout that features all top hit songs. You'll do a step warm up, a 16 minute step routine, then clear your steps out of the way for a hi/lo circuit workout. The circuit consists of 4 cycles of hi/lo and weights. Each hi/lo and weight segment are about 5 minutes long. Then you'll do an ab workout and a cool down. Let me see if I can remember the songs:
Warm Up: Abracadabra
Step: 1st song instrumental
Kung Fu Fighting
Golden Eye (James Bond movie)
You Spin Me Round (like a record)
Hi Lo: Rebel Rebel
Weights: Sleeping Satelite
Hi Lo: Holding out for a Hero
Weights Freedom
Hi lo Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Weights Breakfast at Tiffanys
Hi Lo Instrumental
Weights Without You (I can't live, if living is without you)
Abs Dreams
Cool Down Eternal Flame