..Monday...Monday! MELTERS!

Kara -- sending you big {{{HUGS}}} and lots of positive house vibes! I'm sorry things aren't going well. Catch us up when you can.

Allison -- I'm sorry you're feeling icky again! sending you big {{{HUGS}}} and lots of feel better vibes.

Shelley -- sorry the boss is a pain. sending you big {{{HUGS}}} and lots of positive car repair vibes for tomorrow.

Robin -- sorry you have to run yucky errands after work. sending you big {{{HUGS}}} and lots of strong leg vibes for your workout.

Sending everyone else big {{{HUGS}}} and lots of positive vibes just because.

This has to be the dorkiest post ever -- I'm really not a very huggy person. Forgive my bizarre mood this afternoon.
Robin, if I have to do legs today, you do to woman! :) Let's just get it done and over with shall we?;)

Kristi, ((hugs)), ((hugs)), ((hugs))....:7 you are a sweetie!

Allison, what is going on with you darlin? Sounds like you might have a really bad bug...Are you being a good girl and taking your medicine? Please take care of yourself.

Kara, it's just nice seeing you around, do no worry about posting personals at all! Sounds like you are soooo busy....sending you "good house" vibes....

Off to run errands, need to stock the guest house with food items...our friend is staying here to watch Georgie while we are away in Florida, she has a little girl named Gracie that is a doll....so I have to get baby treats, I have no idea what to get...:eek:
Hi y'all. I had a rather large problem crop up at work Friday. It's had me a bit worried and I'm still trying to sort it out. And I couldn't stand the thought of computers this weekend, so I did one of my technology-free weekends. That felt great! I need to get back to work. Maybe I'll see you soon....:*
Back again,

Kristi--I loved your huggy post! Thank you for the 'feel better vibes'. :*

Shannon--I hope your work problem gets resolved. Yay for no-technology weekends! I couldn't do it. I love my tv and 'puter waaaay too much. ;)

So I feel better now. I finished my antibiotics today--thank god. My eyes are still burning and I'm tired, but I feel ok. I just want to go home.

Tneah--I'm going to miss you while you're in FL. Will you be checking in? For some reason I have this awful feeling in my belly because you're going away. I hate it when people go away. I have horrible separation anxiety. And it apparantly extends to people I've only met online...;) hmmmm....weird.

Anyhoo, off to finish work and then to my school meeting. Talk to you soon!


Hello everyone.

Boy, am I late checking in today or what? It's not even like I've been super-busy or anything. I haven't even been remotely busy except for doing a ton of laundry (which I do pretty much every day). I'm trying to think what I have done with my time today. Hmm. I did work out--did Step Blast--well the combo 1,2,3 premix from Step Blast. I am going to have to work my way up to doing a full step workout, I think. Then I played with Ewan quite a bit, which is not exactly productive, but time well spent, I think. I also got Isaac to and from the bus stop, so I didn't fail in my mothering duties, at least. It's going to be kind of tough this last week of school as I think both Isaac and I are tired of dragging our carcasses out of bed and getting to the bus stop on time. I also managed to nap (AGAIN) while Ewan napped. I was only going to nap for about 20 minutes (as I read somewhere it was the optimal amount of time to nap). What a load of poo. I can't nap for only 20 minutes. It was more like an hour and a half at least. So I'm looking forward to that physical on Wednesday to see if they can figure out why I'm always tired. Maybe it's just motherhood.

Robin, the teeth are a little better every day and I'm eating slightly more solid food, at least.

Allie, great job getting that great morning workout in! I'm sorry to hear you feel yucky again. x(

Deb, good luck with Keegan's puppy class. Hmm, what do I buy on my Target trips? Maybe a more apt question is "what don't I buy on my Target trips?" I will probably be back there tomorrow, though I can't remember at the moment what it is I was planning to buy. I'm sure I'll think of a few things once I get there.

Leanne, sorry you are also dragging today. hope you get some better rest tonight. My DH is leaving town tonight, which means theoretically I could go to bed early, but I tend to actually stay up later. Look forward to seeing a hair photo!

Kristi, sounds like you have a lot of machine malfunctions going on. I generally just have house malfunctions in this ancient house. Ugh. Oh, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} I wanted to get in on your hug-a-thon.

Tneah, girl, sometimes you just have to give into the laziness (says the woman who napped away her free-from-kids time today). And yeah, I wish I could ship my kids to you when you're bored. ;) Enjoy planning that Florida wardrobe. I'm already planning outfits for the August RT. I probably shouldn't admit it, because those of you who meet me will be like, "huh, she planned that?" It always looks better in planning than in execution with me.

Shelley, where's the mohawk photo? :)

Kara, good luck with your busy week!

Shannon, hope work goes much better this week than last.

Dang, I am still tired. Must go do more laundry.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Hey everyone!

Ah, the nap helped a bit, but I only actually slept about an hour. Does it take any of you a super long time to fall asleep when trying to nap? Hmmm. I'm so excited about my new beading project that I ended up working on that for a bit more, too. I'm putting off showering and grocery shopping, but need to go do it. I promise that I'll post some photos when I'm all cleaned up this afternoon. Of course, maybe I'll put a piece of paper over my face or something . . . . ;-) I HATE photos of myself . . . which is why it took me ages before I finally set up that avatar.

Allie -- Sending you some more {{{HUGGIE}}} vibes! Are you feeling a bit better still? Do you think you can go home and take a nap before meeting with your group? I get separation anxiety, too! I've been thinking already of how lonely it'll be around here when you July RT folks are gone that weekend. :-(

Shannon -- Glad you're alright! We missed you, but I'm glad it's nothing too awful, and hopefully all will be resolved soon! Sending some :* 's back at ya'!

Shelley -- Boo for the bad boss! Yay for seeing some photos of you and Chris with his new 'do! Yes, FIL is so odd that even Mike doesn't want him staying here. I'm talking ODD.

Tneah -- Your MIL sounds adorable, and how great that you can bond with her over clothes. I LOVE how cute the outfits you're putting together sound! Those sailor-style shorts sound especially adorable! Those are so in style right now. I think you need to do a fashion show and model them all so we can see photos. I'm a Leo (my b-day is in August, when I think Lainie's b-day is, too), but I'm one of those shy Leos, not the Madonna type!

Kristi -- Aw, I liked your huggy post, too! :) It wasn't dorky at all! Oh no about that $500 repair. Ouch is right! Did the virus scan finish up alright?

Kara -- Sorry that there is so much chaos going on! We miss you, but hope that things get straightened out soon! :)

Robin -- Aw, we would have loved to have seen photos, but perhaps on another visit. Yes, the nap helped! I hate doing legs and errands, too! :) My current rotation has me doing legs twice a week. What was I thinking?! You and Tneah will get through those legs today! You can do it!!! Sis boom bah! *attempt at a cheer*

I'll BBL, my lovely gators! :)
Oh, {{{{HUGS}}}} for Lainie! We were posting at the same time! I can't nap for 20 minutes either since it takes me longer than an hour to usually fall asleep. You've been so busy today, chica! LOL about your outfit comments; I feel the same way! I put together an outfit in my head, and then when I wear it, it's like, "WHAT was I thinking?" I've been trying to get back to being a more creative dresser the last couple of years, but I sometimes get unusual comments from students. Before I started teaching where I'm at, I taught in the business college of San Diego State, where I felt like I had to look conservative -- esp. because I was only a few years older than my students! OK, sorry for the boring story. I always stay up later, too, when Mike is gone. It's hard for me to sleep, and I kind of like the quiet house. :)
Hello Melters.

I'm home. Had an exciting flight back due to storms in Detroit. The party was fun for my niece and the flight out there was great!!

Need to chill for awhile, see you later this week.
Welcome home, Jennifer. Glad you had a good trip.

Kristi, cyber hugs back to you. Not dorky.

Allie, I know exactly what you mean about seperation axiety here in Catheland. Some folks who were posting when I first started have disappeared and I miss them.

Lainie, we are getting a Target here. I'm looking forward to it, but am worried of not being able to stop. I usually only nap for 15-20 minutes. I'll set a kitchen timer to wake me up. If I nap longer than that, I wake up groggy and headachey.

Shannon, thanks for stopping in. I thought you were probably avoiding the computer last weekend.

Kara, {{{{hugs}}}. I sure hope you get you house back soon.

OK Tneah, I ended up doing slow and heavy legs, followed by LIS from 4DS. I'm baking a roasted tomato tart for dinner. Yum.
Jennifer -- Welcome back! Glad you had a nice trip to NY. Tell us more about it when you get a chance. :)

Robin -- Wow -- that tart sounds wonderful! Have you made it before? I'd love to get the recipe, if you have time. Hooray for getting your leg workout in! Tomorrow I'll be joining you in Leg Dread Land -- I have PS Legs scheduled. How exciting that Target will soon be near you . . . but be very afraid! That place is seriously dangerous ;-)

OK, so here is a photo of the bracelet I'm working on from the class yesterday:


Bear in mind that it's my first time doing bead embroidery, and I'm not very good at all with just doing free-form (no pattern) stuff. It'll eventually get glued onto that brass cuff. It's been fun!

And now here is a silly photo of me before the hair cut, taken a couple of weeks ago right after I had the DEXA scan (I was trying to see if my arms looked as fat as they are!):


And here is a photo that Mike just took of the new haircut:


And here is one of me being silly (he told me to flex my "bulging biceps" -- ha ha! I actually *do* have a bit of biceps, but wasn't really flexing here, just goofing off! :) ):


Should I have kept the longer hair?? Still not sure about it . . . . x(

OK, Shelley, now it's your turn! :)

OMG, Leanne--I LOVE IT! You're hair looks SO sexay! (In the words of our illustrious Shell-Bell ;)) Thanks for posting the pics. Damn, you're one hot lay-day!
Oh, and your beading is phenomenal. I wish I could do something like that.

Jennifer--welcome back! Glad to hear you had a good time.

Robin--wow! S&H legs AND LIS!?!?! You're amazing!

Lainie-Loo: I'm so sorry you're so tired. I know how you feel, though. Trust me. Most days I can't even see straight I'm so tired. My eyes were actually burning today. I can barely see what I'm typing right now. x( :( We'll get through it. You're day today sounds super productive. Great, great job on SB! I haven't done that w/o in a while. Time to pull it out, I think! When is Isaac done with school? This week is his last week for the summer, right?

Ok, I'm going to go make a veggie burger and then play with my kitties. That post by Reese on the OD is breaking my heart. I wish I could help more animals. I wish I had more money and then I'd give it all to her, Lorie (lederr), and lots of animal shelters. If only I could save every animal. It's so hard to not be able to do more.

ETA: I changed Shelley's comment to Robin. Sorry.


*screams in delight!* Leanne darling, your haircut is adorable!!!:7 Are you kidding me?? So cute, so suitable for your face and body too! It totally "lifts" your face up (always a good thing for everyone!)and puts the attention right on your pretty eyes. I love it, and I mean that.:7
Oh, and you have beautiful arms! In fact I wish my arms looked more like yours, so sleek. Mine are short and muscular...well not as cut as they were before, so more like short and doughy. You are looking fantastic woman.:) Your bracelet is beautiful too, love it. Oh, and I love your pink Kitchenaid! Is that the breast cancer one? I have a bright red one that I love when I actually get it out and use it. FIL is odd? Like a good odd, one of those types that you get a kick out of? Or odd, like in a disturbing kind of way?:p My shorts are cute, but like I said earlier, my knees? Not so much...hoping the shorts cuteness will distract though...

Allison, you are so cute...I would take my computer with me, DH actually will probably take his, its just a hassle at the airport and then you have too many bags...if DH takes his, I will of course check in! You are not having bad feelings about us flying though right? I get freaked out over that kind of stuff...I always say a prayer before the plane takes off...glad you are feeling a little big better? ((hugs)) cause you are just too cute.:p

Robin, way to go!! Yeah, I have not done my leg workout yet, just got done scarfing down some chicken breast and green beans topped with a healthy (probably too healthy) dose of hummus. I know, I eat weird food combo's. Your tart sounds so delicious!

Lainie, I am the same way with outfits, which is why its hard for me to travel, I will get there, put on the outfit and then look in the mirror and cringe. Then you are stuck. Glad you are going to find out whats up with the tiredness, that is so frustrating I know. I like to eat too much when I am overtired which is really not a good thing.

Shannon, I kinda figured you were out of commission this weekend due to computer hate.:7 Glad to have you back though, we miss you when you are away! Hope the work drama resolves itself soon...

Who did I miss???I am scared to go back and look lest I lose this post, it happens to me all the time on this site.....

I am dreading my Leg Blast workout so much...I think I may have actually seen stars one of the times I did it.:p OK, I drank my coffee and need to go change...I wish I could post a pic of my cute outfits, its hard though, I need one of those mannequins or something to "model" for me.:) Oh, but I promise that I will take many pictures when we are in Florida..
I didn't work out tonight therefore I feel like a big, fat sloth. I've taken way too many rest days this month:(

Leanne - I absolutely ADORE your hair! It looks amazing. And you have great arms. If you think for one second those are fat, you need new mirrors. Or new eyes.

K, I'm in a foul mood, but I'm just showing pics of the boy's hair. I had to snap the one where he's drinking his tea while he wasn't paying attention. Every time I tried to take one and he knew, he made some silly face.


Shoot, Shelley--Chris is a hot-tay! Yikes. I absolutely LOVE the hair!

And no feeling like a big fat sloth allowed. I barely worked out at all last week. Hey, we do the best we can, right? Missing a few workouts isn't gonna do any damage. However, I do understand how you feel. 99.9% of the reason I workout is because of how it makes me feel afterwards.

You'll workout tomorrow. No worries, k? And hey, you've got a big, sexy, mohawk-wearin' studdly guy to snuggle with tonight. I have my damn cats. x(


Okay, so I haven't read all the posts, but I have just looked at the pics -- this is a seriously sexay bunch of people. We are the coolest check-in group, I think!!!

Leanne -- your haircut is super cute, and your arms look great! I also LOVE that bracelet!

Shelley -- wow!

Thanks, y'all, for posting the pics!

For my future reference (in case I'm ever cool enough to post something), can someone tell me how to post a pic???

BBL after I actually read everyone's posts.
Oh, you ladies are too sweet! You're making me feel so much better! Thanks for the super nice words about the hair. I'm still stressing about it being all . . . gone.

Shelley -- Dang! Chris is HAWT! Of course, we knew that, but it's fun to see photos. I love the fact that you had to sneak up on him with the camera. Too cute. And you are SOOOOO not a sloth! Not at all! You have had so much to contend with this past month that I'm surprised you were able to work out as much as you have. Your body has needed the rest to deal with all this stress. You'll be back on track soon! You will!!!

Tneah -- You are so sweet, too! Thank you for the wonderful compliments -- they make me feel so much better. Yes, that's the pink breast cancer mixer. I totally love it, even though I haven't been baking much this past year since I'm trying to be good and kill my sweet tooth (die, sweet tooth, die! :) ). I leave it out on the counter all the time b/c it's so dang cute. I also have a pink breast cancer flat iron. Pretty silly! :+ I SERIOUSLY doubt that anything on you -- arms or knees -- is doughy! You are so smokin', and there is no way that you look doughy at all. How 'bout if we trade bodies, OK?! :) You'll have to take loads of photos this weekend so we can see current photos of how hot you and DH look! :) About my FIL, he's just odd in a weird way. He doesn't really know how to communicate with people, and he'll honestly just sit and stare at whomever he's talking to, without really talking.

Allison -- You're too sweet, but YOU are one hot lady -- and, most importantly, you are such a sweetheart! I know exactly what you mean about working out to feel good afterwards. It just gives me so much more energy and makes me feel better. What kind of veggie burger did you make? My favorite are the Morningstar Farms ones. Have you had their veggie corn dogs? I LOVE them, but haven't had one in ages since I'm trying to cut back on processed food. Maybe I should get a box out of the freezer for din-din tomorrow night . . . . Your kitties sound so cute! So you liked the new Stephanie Plum? I just started #13, and think that I'll probably go ahead and get the new one, too, once I finish this one.

Kristi -- You're such a sweetie! Can I still get in on the HUG FEST from earlier?! Sending you and the fam big {{{HUGS}}}! Let's see, Shelley is our resident computer guru, but to post a photo, you have to first set it up in one of your Picture Trail albums. Then, go to the image you want to paste into your message and look at the list of URL's given. Select the one that says Forums IMG Tag, copy the link, come back here to your message, and paste in the link. Does that make sense? Let us know if it isn't clear. :) Did you get that virus scan taken care of? Hope so!

Mike just left for Kung Fu. He was going to take the summer off from it, but decided to just focus more on Tai Chi instead. Think I'm going to go snuggle up with my new Stephanie Plum! ;-)
Shelley! I am so loving Chris's hair! Very cool. Does he have piercings? I secretly love piercings, not alot, but a few are so hot. I pierced my nipples once for like three days, and then took them out, that was not of my smarter moves...DH loved it though, the kinky bastard.:p
You are most certainly NOT a fat sloth, okay, how's this one? I just did Leg Blast and I still feel like a fat sloth today. I feel "gushy" or water logged, my belly is looking squishy and I'm not lovin' it. You are beautiful inside and out, so let's both stop with the body bashing for a minute and go hug your cutie pie..he has nice hands too, I am totally into hands, my DH has these huge capable looking hands, again...very sexay!:p And Leanne is so right, you have been dealing with so much lately, cut yourself some slack love okay?;)

I hate Leg Blast!x( Well, hate is a strong word...I do not like Leg Blast! Yuk, its so hard, whaaaaa....

I want a kittie too Allison...hug your babies for me tonight. I am really a cat person, cats love me, its kinda weird, like I was a witch in a past life or something.:p But have always had dogs...I love dogs of course, but cats are something else.

Leanne, we can totally trade, but then you would be mad at me, cause you would have to carry around these big ole' boobies!:7 And that is weird, FIL sounds like he maybe is a little socially inept, the poor guy. The staring must be a little strange though.:eek:

Ok, now that I have totally shared way too much info about myself, time to relax...I have the new issue of InStyle mag, no book for me tonight!
Tneah -- Your posts always make me smile! You're such a sweetheart, and you always bring so much fun and warmth into everything! Love ya', babe! :) How cool about the piercings you had! I don't think I'd be brave enough for that at all! Oh, Leg Blast is SOOOO hard . . . I don't think we're supposed to like it! It's one of those workouts where I curse a bit (in a nice way, of course! ;-) ) at Cathe. I could see you being a totally cool, wican-type witch in a past life. It would fit perfectly with your gypsy theme! Oh, I wouldn't mind having the big ole' boobies! :) You'd be stuck with my fat butt, though, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone -- it's not fat, in a J. Lo, sexay sort of way. More in a jiggly, tons of cellulite, you-can-tell-she's-half-Italian sort of way. :+

Alright, I really am getting off the computer right now. Nighty night, lovely ladies! :)

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