<--Monday Monday, can't trust that day....

<--waves HI to all you lovely ladies :)
<--is ALMOST done with finals :7
<--has been trying to keep up around here and, well, tried...
<--is glad that S&S had a blast at Robin's!
<--tells Catherine that her avatar freaks <-- out :eek:
<--needs to plan a GTG with Catherine!
<--read Evily's marathon blog and is so proud of her :)
<--'s DD ran the Kid's Country Music Marathon on Friday (she logged 25 miles this month and then ran the last mile at the event)
<--was really proud of DD :)
<--loves Nance's do and new glasses :)
<--tells Liann that her doggie is precious!
<--waves HI to Shannon and wonders how the stress fracture is?
<--thinks <-- saw that today is Wendy's bday???? Is <--- right???
<--yells HAPPY BIRTHDAY if <-- is correct :7
<--hopes Doodles is feeling better :)
<--wonders how Tammy is enjoying the new job????
<--waves HI to Michele!
<--needs to work on this last final paper/project that should be done by <--'s group, HOWEVER, <--'s group is made up of star athletes who apparently don't care! x(
<--apologizes for the rant }(
<--- has pictures to share when she gets them downloaded
<--- will NOT be sharing the approximate 5,452 pictures that Sophie took of the game lands and the blue sky on the drive home ("just in case it gets cloudy later"):p
<--waves at everyone
<--the Blue Angels are flying today
<--thinks that it's because it's the #6 pilot's funeral today;(
<--is sad, but it's nice to see the community support!
<--loves the picture of Lian's doggie!
<--'s brother and SIL lost their weiner dog last month...she was 15 yrs old!!!
<--is excited to see Doodles here! (insert Forrest Gump wave)
<--is sorry to hear that she's sick and sends LOTS and LOTS of get well vibes!
<--is glad that the S&S Road Show made it home!
<--can't wait to see the photographic art of Mistress Sophie!!!
<--also has a Buffalo Butt that likes to abide on the recliner!
<--is happy to see Kara and Kali still coming around!
<--hopes that Robin's venture into Attic-land ends like she wants it to!
<--sends Happy Week 2 vibes to Tammy and her new job
<--is happy that Tammy's mom is out of the hospital (forgot to mention that last week!)
<--needs to refill the coffee and find some munchies
<--understands TOTALLY about family visits wreaking much havoc on eating!!!
<--although <-- doesn't have that excuse for the HORRID eating of this last week!:eek: x(
<--is new to posting, but has been lurking for a long time
<--can't think of much to say, but will try anyway
<--thought it was cute that DD (5) was making DH's lunch last night
<--thought it was cute that DD (5) was making her own lunch last night (with help from <--)
<--must pull <-- away from the computer so <-- can continue cleaning the house
<--almost forgot to say hi. HI!:D
<-- jogs in on the way by
<-- has today and today only to study for tomorrow's exam
<-- shall be hard at work all day
<-- misses youse already!
<---just finished lunch
<---feels human again
<---tells Emily <--- actually stayed in the Fairmont Lake Louise!
<---saved and saved and saved and saved to afford that trip
<---loved every second of it
<---thinks it might be a long drive from WA to Banffff
<---advises Robin to fly straight to Banfff and meet her sis there
<---waves hi to Kara and says the stress fracture is still stressed
<---probably needs to stop now and take the daily Get Away from the Computer Break
<---apologizes for not addressing everyone!
<---says welcome to SherriLynn
<---wonders what a 5 year old puts in lunch
<---waves at Ame and tells her to study hard and get good grades
<---can't wait to see Sophie's photos
<---wonders why Shelley doesn't want to include the game lands (here's a tree, here's another tree, oh look a tree)
<---thinks Kara's DD's marathon sounds cool and <--could probably run one that way
<---wonders if Michele's water is soft yet?
<---thinks that water softener guy is taking an awfully long time
<---wonders if he looks like Cary Grant
<--- runs through on her way to mom and pops
<--- has had one helluva day so far
<--- is LOL at Robin and says yes, her water is soft now
<--- says the water guy was here to change the filters in her reverse osmosis system
<--- 's DH's flight to Germany was all screwed up
<--- says DH had to take an earlier flight which wreaked havoc upon the morning
<--- loved the dachshund picture!!
<--- loves dachshunds:+
<--- can't wait for GTG pics
<--- wants to see all the sky pics:7
<--- loves Nance's new hair and glasses
<--- thinks the rimmed glasses make her look younger
<--- cannot remember another thing from ^^^ there
<--- needs to hit the road
<--- misses you crazy chicks!
<---checks back in with OAL chicks
<---says that DH's situation is still up in air
<---adds that he told company that offer was a little lower than what he was looking for. Ball is now in their court and they are supposed to get back to him today or tomorrow.
<---says her stomach is all knotted up thinking about it :(
<---worked off some of her stress at the gym over lunch
<---did CC3 on the new treadmills the gym just bought
<---says they are REALLY nice!
<---thanks everyone for the wiener dog compliments
<---says that Montana is flattered!

<---checks breath....
<---sniffs underarms....
<---wonders if she scared everyone away! ;)
<---is the queen of lost posts lately
<---waves hello to all
<---is glad Robin, Shelley, and Sophie had such a great time this weekend
<---sends healing vibes Maeghan's way
<---is also sending anti-stress vibes to Liann
<---went through job change with DH two years ago and remembers how nerve racking it is
<---subbed today in fifth and has fourth grade tomorrow
<---definitely needs to rethink shoe plan for tomorrow as was reminded today why high heels should be considered instruments of torture

<-- thinks youse are the cutest GTGer-ers *ever*!!!
<-- is so glad S&S&R could all hang out
<-- has been reviewing <--'s notes this afternoon
<-- has taken only 2 naps today
<-- almost fell off the couch, LOL!
<-- is going to move the review session to the bed now
<-- is still pooped from the weekend activities!!!
<-- will check in later, gators!:*
<-- adores the photos
<-- wants some pie
<-- thinks Sophie is fantastic
<-- is going to bed now at 7pm :eek: :eek: :eek:

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