Moms that Rock! March 7-14

Jen-No, I don't think you are being selfish, as your mom gets to spend a lot of time with James, and you shouldn't feel like you should always have to say yes. Your mom shouldn't EXPECT that she get to make up the lost time from the weekend. That being said, however, I don't know what your mom is like and how she would take it. Will it be more hassle than it's worth? Would it be possible for her to come over while still respecting James's schedule and your workout (maybe watch him while you workout?)? If you do think that saying yes will open up a can of worms and make your mom think she can come anytime, then I would go with no.

Ok, I see I gave several answers..sorry! I guess I'm saying that so much of it depends on your situation, but, no, you are not selfish for saying no.
Melanie- I am going to check the video later today. Have you ever tried taking glucosamine for your joints? I find it helps a lot. I am sorry about your joints. Is it knees the most ? Sometimes building up your quads a bit (think mini step up and downs) can strengthen the quad and take some pain away from the joint, letting the muscle absorb some shock.... Hope you had a great night and have a good day at work. I think the package should get there today. I threw in the swim stuff for you fo rlater in time when the girls are big enough. Hate to see it go to waste!
Susan- I am so glad you remind me ot do Kegels. I forget!!!! How is hubby? Happy? Sorry you have two solo nights. IT is hard, isn't it? MIL is here until Thursday morning and I am so glad. I am nervous about thursday niht solo!!!! I got her a 90 minute massage at a spa this morning. She is so excited.
Jen- Thank you for all the tips. I double swaddled him last night and tried the pacifier trick. That really helped. He still got up twice, but it was just to eat, and he did not break out! I ordered the Miracle Blanket. It is supposed to be great. As for your mom, YES, yo uhave a right to be ticked. The challenge of having children is not just the toll it takes on a marriage, but also the dynamic between parents and in laws. You are now the "elder" really. YOu have teh family that needs structure and priority. WHen kids are first born, there is a lot of excitement and chaos and many parents are in and out of the house and helping and then once you establish your routine and rhythym, they have a really tough time when you lay down the law. You might ruffle a few feathers by sayign no for this instance. But if you do not and let it fester, you will end up in a HUGE argument later on. I think it is good to address your stance early, and teh parents will adapt. I had problems with MIL in the beginning with my first boy. I did not address stuff early on and it all piled up and finally I got pissed and threw all the examples of her stepping over my boundaries. I looked so foolish for not being mature enough to address it early on. ANyhow, you shoudl spend the time apart from her. SH emade a choice to go to teh Bike thing anyhow. Plus, she sees him a lot as it is. Keep up the push ups!!!! Do you like white chicken chili? I have arecipe for that from cooking light with tons of veggies and canellini beans...
Lisa- AWESOME on the sleep. And do not fret. Keep up your hard work!
Got ot go for a run with no kids! Woo hooooo!!!
Lisa- No I think if I just tell my mom outright how I am feeling she will understand. I think I am probably WAY overthinking this. I thought about having her come over while I workout one night this week but James usually naps for about an hour in the evening after daycare so if he were sleeping, then I would feel like I needed to entertain her.

Christine- Yes! to white chicken chili. I am still in my cooking rut. I made mexican pizzas this weekend but those are so easy. I have a new veggie chicken casserole with brown rice I will try this week. And you are right, I need to address it now instead of letting it fester. I used to be so direct and honest before James. Now I worry about hurting feelings. WTH happened to me???:eek:

Thanks to you both and anyone else that replies. I really appreciate the input. It is a whole new set of relationships and boundaries that I never realized when becoming a mommy. I love that our family is close to help but I also wish we lived far far away....
Has anyone read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child? I'm trying to follow the guideline of putting Reese down every 1-2 hrs, but I feel like all I do is try to get her to nap all day! She doesn't go down very easily and nearly always needs to be bounced or nursed to sleep (she's a bit better at being put down drowsy during the night). She's a super light napper, so she wakes constantly, and we contnue the process. Should I not worry about this so much for a couple more weeks? I would like to get her as ready for day care as possible since she won't have nearly as much one on one attention there.

oh if only I was more of a go with the flow type of person!
Lisa- I wouldn't worry so much now. I always followed James's cues. He is like clockwork now. It was usually an hour after he ate that he would become fussy so we swaddled him and put him down for a nap. He would have to be rocked for awhile before he would fall asleep and then we would have to wait about 10-15 min more AFTER that to put him in his crib. He is such a pro at it now! I also found that James found his own schedule at daycare and now I try to follow that (within an hour) at home on the weekends. It drove me NUTS because I like control and schedules but I really tried not to stress too much about it. He was about 8 weeks when he started to make his own schedule. But there was no rhyme or reason to what he did before that. ;) Hope that helps!
Oh and I keep forgetting to add...I bought some cereal this weekend (it was on sale) and let James try it on a spoon. He leaned in to taste it but then didn't know what to do with it. It just got all over his lips. I am waiting for the peditrician's ok but just thought I would see what James would do. It was cute! :D
YEs, I swear by that book, but follow Reese's cues... I find that JOhn gets fussy about 2 hours after wakign in the morning, and naps an hour later. I feed and swaddle him before. I think a three hour window works best... Have to run!
Hi Ladies!

I'm just taking a quick break from dry blowing my hair. That room gets HOT!

So, not so much this last weekend to report. I went to the mall for the very first time after having Daniel. My friend wanted to get some souveniers so we got them and then headed out to the movie theater. We watched Dear John, what a cute movie. She said it was similar to the Note Book (which I haven't seen yet). She left yesterday but was terribly sad. Her dad called her the night before to tell her that her grandma had passed. I felt terrible for her too, didn't know what to say...
I managed to workout only this past friday but walked a lot in the mall on Saturday.
This mornign I did Chalean Burn circuit 1 and Iclimb 40 minutes of intervals on the elliptical. Felt great after that many days of inactivity.

Jen, so James is not into eating cereal just yet. So cute. Daniel's pedi said that he can start cereal anywhere from 4-6 months but that breastfed babies tend to take a little bit longer to start (6-7 mo). I'm planning on starting at 5 months or so.

Melanie, you girls look all pretty in pink!

Christine, I need to get in the habit of drinking supplements and vitamins. I think it may help tremendously with my knees. I got 2 bottles of Glucosamine about 2 years ago, never took them and they expired. That's how bad I am.

Susan, I'm glad that you liked Barefoot Cardio and Ellen Barrett. Isn't she sweet, it's perfect for low energy days. How did the lab work go? Were you able to fit a workout in anyways?

Lisa, haven't heard of that book before. I can't still figure Daniel's sleep pattern. All I know is that he does get kinda coliky aroung 8-9 pm and it last a couple of hours. All he wants is to be carried and to be walked around the house, you have to be moving or that little man gets cranky.

Allison, r you around girl? How is it going?

Back later
Wow, its been quiet around here tonight.

Hi Priscila! Glad you had a good visit with your friend. Someone told me the book was better (Dear John). I'll probably watch the movie on DVD one day. I just thought I would try the cereal to see what he would do. Not in a huge hurry to start it.

I'm off to bed early.. Dh is on duty tonight. No workout tonight either. Worked late and then was STARVING when I got home plus my sciatica is bothering me for some reason. MIL will be visiting tomorrow night so I doubt I will get a w/o in. Oh well.....I worked out 6 days last week so I should be happy with that. :D Hi all and goodnight all!
I have been running crazy today. I did workout during K's lunchtime nap. NOTHING is getting int he way of my sts workouts! I did disk 4 today!

Jen and are welcome!

Jen I agree with what the ladies commented about your mom situation. You are sooo not being selfish!

Lisa-I know how stressful it is whne baby wont sleep. I really stressed over it with Haley. With Kara I have not worrried one bit..and just let her do her thing....and we are getting into a groove. Hang int will get better!!

Melanie-hope you had a good day at work!
Christine-glad you are enjoying great you got her a massage..ahhhhh. I too am dreading our nights alone. I shouldnt have 2 younguns...and Haley is a big help to me.
Hi Allison..some see us!

I put Kara down about 30 min ago Haley goes to bed in 15 min. My eating today was really good..maybe not enough fruit and veggies..but it wasnt full of crap.
1-protein pancake 2 clementines
2-Kashi Heart to Heart cereal
3-broccoli soup, turkey
4-spinach/bean dip gone crackers
5-turkey burger, no bun, baked homemade fries, corn on cob
I need a few more fruits and veggies in there

Ok sorry so short. I should have more time tomorow. Hope all our babies sleep!
Good Morning!
rough night here..hopefully you guys got some sleep. K was up and down quite a bit until 2 ..Im sleepy!
Cardio today. A friend wants me to start walking with her in the mronings after taking the kids to school so I might do that and then do my workout at 2nd nap. She only walks 2 miles but it will be nice walking and talking.
Today..not much on tap. Need to go pick up my lab results..If I need another hep b shot I will get that today. I wouldnt think I would need one..I got the series of shots 5 years ago ... school just watns proof I am immuned.
Melanie-how was work..whatch doing today?
Jen-hope your night was good!
Lisa-how did Reese do last night?
Chirstine-hope your night was a good one too!
Allison-hi! to get a few things done beofre the girlies get up. bbs
K is sleeping intoday..its 7. I am eating my protein pancake/clementines. Its raining so no walk with friend. I am leaning towards lowmax today.
I need to iron a few things for dh's trip..I do not enjoy ironing!
K is stirring..bbs
Susan-mm..yum. I love protein pancakes...too bad for me they contain egg whites! Since I can't have eggs for breakfast, I'm now having oatmeal cooked with cottage cheese, so I'm still getting protein with the bonus of more dairy. Sorry to hear Kara had a rough night. It didn't go so well here either, but since she's only a month old, I'll cut her a break ;). She was up twice and then up early. After we hit the 2 hr mark during one of her wakings, I passed her off to DH to take and get back to sleep.

Caden is home from day care today. Could be a rough one since he has a terrible cough that left him SO crabby! I wish there was something I could give him to soothe his throat, other than just ibuprofen and tylenol. My projects for any spare time this week are to sort/order pictures that are on my computer (haven't done it since July!) and to finalize several window coverings in the house (patio blinds, living room blinds, and a light blocking shade for Reese's room).

HOpe to bbl. Reese is calling.
Morning ladies!

Susan- Sorry you had a rough night. I don't enjoy ironing either. I try to make it a point to buy work clothes that don't require ironing. ;) Is there something wrong with Jari Love? She is WAYYYY skinny. DH said "She looks like a crack head!" :p

Lisa- Good for you passing Reese off so you could get some sleep. Poor Caden...hope he feels better. It is so hard when the little ones are sick.

Oh, I did talk to my mom last night and she offered (before I had a chance to bring up the topic) to watch James so I could work out and I told her that I appreciate the offer but sometimes he is sleeping after I pick him from the sitter so it might be boring. I explained that I am just getting in a groove of working out and taking care of him in the evenings and sticking to the schedule so can we plan it another time? She "seemed" fine but I could tell by the tone that she wasn't happy about it but oh well. I can't please everyone but I can please myself and I do that by working out. :) Thanks again for your support. :D

Ok well I'm off to work.... Hi Mel! Hope you had a good day! Hi Christine! I'll be back later to "chat" from work. ;)
Hi ladies. I"m sorry I haven't had time to read your posts from yesterday, I have to start off where I am...b/c otherwise I won't hop in at all....and I miss ya'll!!

Yesterday was fine. It was busy, but I can handle it (when I"m not pg I can handle so much more). I'd like to have more time for my customers, but have to do the best I can with the workload I have. ;) I do sleep like a rock on the days I work. :D My gfw tells me that I don't burn nearly as many calories at work (and about 1/3 of the steps). I can make a effort to walk more at work, but I'm standing 10 hrs so I have to have the stamina!

My pumping is going fair. I need to build up my milk again, the fenugreek doesn't seem to be helping. I am going to be pumping an extra session at home on my days off until I can pump enough at work to provide for an entire day. No worries, my freezer is FULL of milk, but I want to make sure that my supply stays up. I could implement an oatmeal snack in PM as well.

Workout today will maybe be lomax + some strength training? I want to give my knees a bit of a break. Christine, it's just my left knee. It occasionally gets tweeked out. It's not bad...I just don't want to "overstrain" it. Listening to my body. I know weight work on my quads would help alot (thanks Christine) bad I'm not fond of weight work. Oh well, that's what being an athlete is all about, right? Grinding it out! lol

The girls have their 4 month check ups tomorrow. Can't wait to see how much they weigh.

Thanks for the kind words about our pics on facebook. Christine, you look awesome in your pics. Your skin looks great! You are way too hard on yourself, girlie. AND your hubby is hot!! :p
Lisa-sorry Caden is sick! Hope you get some "you time" today to get stuff done!
Jen-Jari has gotten skinnier in each video I think. I really really like her earlier workouts..but the ones I sent you just didnt click with me. Hopeuflly you will like them. If you want to borrow one of her older ones to see if you like them let me know. Her personality takes some getting used to lol

Ok...gotta get H to school..then hopefully workout.
Okay Susan, you've talked me into it. :p I need to do some strength work with it. My technician loaned me her Jillian upper & lower body workouts. Maybe I'll try one of them with LoMax. If I remember correctly, it's a long workout? Maybe there's a 50 min premix?

Today's Menu

B: oatmeal w/ walnuts, coffee
S:1/2 cup cashews
S: after workout protein smoothie
L: Tuna Salad on a bed of baby leaves (cheese + veggies) + chocolate milk
D: 1/2 tuna salad sandwich w/swiss cheese & spinich + 1 cup veggie chili
S: Vitamuffin + milk

I know that it's strange, but I tend to have my 2nd snack prior to my lunch. It's what works best for me. :p

Christine, I'm excited about getting your package. :D Maybe today? :D

Lisa, sorry your weeone is sick. :( My boys are fighting awful colds. Justin's eyes were really pink with this cold...but are better now. Now Jadon's eyes are red/bloodshot (just on the outside of each eye). It's strange looking. The girls have dr appts I might have dr look at his eyes too?

Jen, you have to stick up for yourself with family. The nice thing about family is they HAVE to stick around. You can't offend them enough to never see them again. LOL

I don't know if a pediatrician will do it or not, but I"m considering asking him to write me a RX for Reglan (to help build up my milk).

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