My daughter is making me crazy! She's almost 5 and is such a spoil sport when we play any games. If you even start doing well at the game, she gets all pouty and mad. Then she doesn't want to play anymore. We just tried to play Candyland and she got mad that I got the "cookie" card. She wanted to start the whole game over.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about me getting the cookie card, but I don't want her to turn into one of those kind of kids. Like my nephew. UGH! I HATE playing games with him. He's 9 years old and says he hates you if you hit him with a Draw Four card in Uno.
I want her to learn how to play games fairly, so that other kids will want to play with her. And so I don't feel like I have to let her win just to keep the peace.
How do I handle this? I've been trying to explain to her that that's the way games are and that it's no fun playing with people who get mad when things aren't going the way they want. She just scowls at me and says I'm no fun and that it's my fault the game isn't fun anymore. Then we end up packing up the game because I say I'm not going to play with someone who can't play fair.
I know she's very young, and I hope I'm not expecting too much from her. How have you handled this? My other nephew (the brat's little brother) is not at all like that. He's very fun to play with and doesn't get angry at all. He just gets even when you hit him with the Draw Fours. Is it because the older one was an only for a couple years that he's like that? Mine is an only, and I'm so afraid of her being like that!
Maybe I should talk to her preschool teacher and see if she's like that when she's playing with the other kids. I don't care so much if she expects to be allowed to win at home, as long as she plays OK with her friends.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about me getting the cookie card, but I don't want her to turn into one of those kind of kids. Like my nephew. UGH! I HATE playing games with him. He's 9 years old and says he hates you if you hit him with a Draw Four card in Uno.
I want her to learn how to play games fairly, so that other kids will want to play with her. And so I don't feel like I have to let her win just to keep the peace.
How do I handle this? I've been trying to explain to her that that's the way games are and that it's no fun playing with people who get mad when things aren't going the way they want. She just scowls at me and says I'm no fun and that it's my fault the game isn't fun anymore. Then we end up packing up the game because I say I'm not going to play with someone who can't play fair.
I know she's very young, and I hope I'm not expecting too much from her. How have you handled this? My other nephew (the brat's little brother) is not at all like that. He's very fun to play with and doesn't get angry at all. He just gets even when you hit him with the Draw Fours. Is it because the older one was an only for a couple years that he's like that? Mine is an only, and I'm so afraid of her being like that!
Maybe I should talk to her preschool teacher and see if she's like that when she's playing with the other kids. I don't care so much if she expects to be allowed to win at home, as long as she plays OK with her friends.