Moment of Truth Check In 8-22


Hey Girls!

So I guess I will kick this check-in off this morning.

Here is the work out rotation that I am currently doing. Feel free to post yours as well!

Day # 1 Full Body Weight work out + 20-30 mins extra cardio
Day # 2 Circuit Workout + 20-30 mins extra cardio
Day # 3 40-60 minutes cardio
Day # 4 Full Body Weight work out + 20-30 mins extra cardio
Day # 5 Circuit Workout + 20-30 mins extra cardio
Day # 6 40-60 minutes cardio
Day # 7 Rest
Ab work: 5-6 days per week

And here are my starting measurements:

upper arm:

Isn't invisible ink great!:p

My diet has been pretty good for the past 5-6 days. It's not totally "CLEAN" but no junk-cookies/cake/donuts/chips,etc.

I have lost 3 pounds since 8/16! :7

Now it's your turn! :)
Hi Wendy! Thanks for getting us started. Love your invisible ink. I don't think it's necessary to post your measurements here, as long as you keep track of them. Since posting them here is a good way for me to keep track (and I didn't just have a baby, LOL), my measurements are:

Hips 36"
Waist 27.5"
Chest 36"
Calves 12.5"
Thigh at widest part: 19.5"
Upper arm (not sure where to measure): 10"

As I said before, I'm not sure what I expect to change. I'm not looking to lose weight, just fat, and gain muscle. I do know that I would love to have a 26" waist, though.

I went crazy on Saturday with PLB and I'm still disabled from the DOMS. In fact, I can hardly walk or sit. I did do Core Max yesterday (VERY carefully), but I'm taking today off and hoping that some of this soreness will abate by tomorrow. Today is my first day back to work after a long vacation and I can't afford to be out of commission!

Cool idea! I'll join you if that's all right. My rotation plan this week is as follows:

Monday - Kari Anderson Fitness Formula (an oldie but goodie, and one of the few step workouts my knees will "allow" me to do these days!)
Tuesday - Firm Maximum Cardio Burn Plus Abs (BSS 2); Core Secrets Give Me 20 - PM
Wednesday - Body Bar Explode; Body Bar Burn - PM
Thursday - rest day
Friday - BOSU Eqilibrium
Saturday - Body Bar and Ball Basics; Kari Anderson Curl - PM
Sunday - BOSU Core Synergy; Firm Fat Blasting Cardio (BSS 3 - PM

My diet has been back to WW for a while now since I'm trying to work on the shedding the ten pounds that somehow found me during the past few months. The nerve!! I've lost 8 - have 2 to go.

Wow, that's great Carol! Congratulations on the 8 lbs!

This is the first time I've EVER joined a check-in because commitments make me nervous, but I'm more motivated than ever now with my stepson's wedding being only about 5 weeks away.

I guess I should mention my plans. My goal is to do the Pyramid workouts 1-2x per week, with just a bit of cardio thrown in as time allows. Ideally, something like this:

Tuesday: PUB part 1
Wednesday: Core Max
Thursday: PLB part 1
Friday: PLB part 2
Saturday: cardio and PUB (using CoreMax instead of part 2)
Sunday: cardio and PLB
Monday: rest day

This would be my ideal, but something close will be acceptable to me. How's that for a non-committal commitment? :eek: :eek:
Geez, I haven't took my measurements in a LONG time.

Chest 33 inches (never changed) LOL!
Waist 26 inches (my waist use to be 29 inches 3 years ago)
Hips 34 1/2 inches (my hips use to be 40 inches around 3 years ago)
Thighs 20 inches
Bicep (when flexed) 11 inches
Forearm 10 inches

I won't even measure my calves...they don't really exist! At least not yet! LOL!

M- Tri's/Bi's, SS, Legs and Shoulders (shoulder only), Chest and Back, lat pull downs
T- run 3 miles/squats and leg curls in the evening
W- Rest
F-KPC and 400 walking lunges w/weights

Hello ladies,

This sounds great to join! I thought I was on todays checkin thread and posted on yours yesterday. So now I have to do this all over again. Got to find tape to measure later and have questions. Where exactly to measure the hips? Across the stomach? Also the waist?

Also I'm hoping to lose body fat and gain muscle. I weigh the same for the last few months, but gaining some fat. this will be hard since I can't do cardio for a while. Just weights with upper body and abs. Also got to clean up my eating.

will post my measurements later after hunting for the tape. this sounds exciting!


Chest: 34
Waist: 25.5
Hips: 35.5
Thighs: 20 (YAY!)

M - KP&C (45 Min), 1 Coremax section
W - Musclemax Upper Body, 1 Coremax section
TH- TAE BO Advanced (45 Min)
F - Power Max (45 min)
S - Upper Body from CTX, CTX Kickboxing
S - Gym Style Legs, Tae Bo Get Ripped (45 min)
Hey Nancy! Thanks. :) I love my invisible ink too! ;) I AM keeping track for myself, btw and will post my progress here...

Glad so many are joining in! The more the merrier! Ofcourse, let's not forget to thank Lori as this was her idea and she has yet to check-in! lol

So...I have never had a really small build...heck, the last time my waist was smaller than 29" is going way back through the years into my earlier 20's...BUT I haven't been THIS size since I first lost about 15 pounds roughly 3 years ago!!! x( I know I have a good excuse but it doesn't mean I have to LIKE it! :p

I hope to lose a total of 15-20 pounds...maybe more depending on what I look like after I reach the 15-20 pound weight loss mark. I have gone up about 2 pant sizes since getting pregnant. I can't say for sure as I was able to fit in sizes ranging from a 3 to a 9 depending on the cut but I seemed to average out to a size 7 at the time and I'm in an 11 now! YUCK! x(

The only GOOD thing is that I personally don't feel that I LOOK as heavy as I am. I don't think I LOOK like I'm a size 11! I don't think I LOOK like I weigh what I do. Thank goodness for small miracles! :7

Best of luck to everyone in achieving thier goals!!!:)
OMG you girls are tiny. I guess if I post my measurements it really will be the moment of truth:-(
I'm only posting 2 ( only ones that concern me)
Waist 28
Hips 38
would love to lose 1/2 in. on each.
How often do we measure?

Today is SJP (no weights) and I'll throw in some leg presses with band, I'll see how many I can do in a row.
Hi Everyone! I measured, and I planned out all my workouts for the week. My goals, lose 5-10lbs, add weights in (I'm VERY beginner with weights and don't like it at all) and clean up my diet ALOT! I should make getting more sleep one of my goals too, (Lori, unlike you I wasn't working last night, just up really late)!

hips -36"
bicep-10 1/2"
calves-13 1/2"

M-High Step Circuit,30-40min walk/jog
T-Imax 2
W-Bodymax (all of it)
T-Rhythmic Step

Hope everyone has a great day!!
These are my measurements as of Aug. 1st, hopefully I'll be posting smaller numbers Sept. 1st!

height: 5'4"
waist: 28
hips: 36.5
chest: 35
thighs: 21.5
upper arm: 11
calves: 14

I don't really have a rotation right now but I'm trying to do endurance weight work with outdoor cardio. This is what I'm planning to do this week:

S- Power Hour
M- Bike ride or low max +hour walk w/ dog
T- PUB + 20 min run or bike ride
T- bike ride or run 45-60 mins, stretch max
F- rest
s- Muscle end.

My diet is far from clean (damn wine :9 ) but I'm trying to keep my calories between 15-1800.

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