MOH surgery...anyone have this done?


I go in next Thursday to have this done on an area of skin cancer on my nose...slightly nervous! Anyone go thru this?
My daughter has had some basal cells removed. The first one was done by a regular, but very good dermatologist (MD Anderson). It left a huge, white scar on her forehead because he had to take a big chunk out to make sure the margins were clear. Now, she wears bangs!

The next one was near the bottom, center corner of her left eye. She sure did not want a scar there. She had MOHs done on it. There is no scar! I believe a MOHs surgeon is a dermatologist with plastic surgery training or something. When they do surgery, they take the smallest amount and send it straight to an on-site lab. The results come back immediately. If the margins are clear, they delicately sew you up. If not they remove slightly more and send it to the lab until they are sure the margins are clear of cancer cells. The result for my daughter is that there is absolutely NO SCAR! I cannot tell even looking close up which eye had the surgery!

Be thankful that you are going to have MOHs done. I'm so glad you'll have the cancer removed and be reassured that the outcome is likely to be very, very good. Good luck!
I've had it - just make sure you get a good doc. Mine is a Moh's specialist and a deem/surgeon. Under my eye. Almost invisible scar.
Going to the Geisinger group in Daville PA where they specialize in MOH surgery...It's my understanding they are the top of their filed there!
Coincidence! I'm having Moh's Surgery for Squamous Cell Carcinoma this Thursday as well. I'm scheduled with a Plastic Surgeon later that same day to see the extant of the tumor removal and will have plastic surgery on the Moh's site on Friday. My tumor is at the top of my nose and close to my right eye. I've very nervous. I was also bummed to hear no vigorous exercise for a week afterwards! Cathe is my go to stress reliever! I'm at week 6 of the 90 Xtrain rotation.
I'll be sending a prayer for a successful surgery for your daughter Thursday morning when I'm getting mine done. I'm told to bring a good book to read as it can take awhile.
Hope you also have a great result. Don't be surprised if you have swelling and bruising at first, but it goes away. Let us know how it goes. Good luck!
Thanks for the good wishes! I'll remember to add my aviator sunglasses to my 'what to bring" list along with a good book. :D No paparazzi!:eek::eek:
3x.last one was on my head(too much boogy boarding)I had a huge bandage wrapped around my head and under chin! I would not go to work looking like that. I have had no scars in any of the ops(just lost a small chunk of hair but it grew back fine)

I'm wondering did it hurt? How painful was the recovery? Did you stop exercising for the entire week? :eek:
I know I'm being a wimp and I know it's good that it was caught. I was ignoring the skin lesion because we got hit extremely hard during the recession and I didn't have the money for the deductible. It was a stranger who told me to go have it looked at and I listened to her. I was shocked at the biopsy result. I've had this lesion for at least six or more years. I thought it was just a skin tag and was part of getting older. :(
I recently had Mohs as well. 7 weeks ago friday. This is my second one done with this procedure consisting of two different spots, both on forehead. I have pictures from procedure if you would like I will email them to you privately.
I also went to a Dr who specializes in this procedure and does a great job.
I will say the second time around was much different than the first in that it was much more painful. Area was bigger and took three tries to remove it all. Plus the way they had to restitch caused a lot of pulling in order to close area. Yes on bruising and swelling. Be sure to take pain meds with you (OTC) my Dr did not give me any and by the time we were headed home (1 1/2 hr drive) I was in a lot of pain!
As far as working out mine was done on a Fri and took Sat off (Sun regular rest day) and trust me I had no desire to workout! Took it easy the first part of the following week and by mid week I was running again. Play it smart, nothing with head down.
Like I mentioned I am 7 wks out from procedure and what I am finding is being out in the sun aggravates it, causing discomfort and sometimes headaches. I still have an area that has no feeling. They said this may take 6 months - 1 yr for nerves to heal. I still get occasional pain/discomfort but it gets better than before.
I don't mean for an of this to scare you and i am sorry if it did. Not my intention just so you know.
Mine was basal cel which is the least of them all. I can tell you I will be better about sunblock and protection now. No more laying out in the sun.
Good luck and please let us know how it goes.
I recently had Mohs as well. 7 weeks ago friday. This is my second one done with this procedure consisting of two different spots, both on forehead. I have pictures from procedure if you would like I will email them to you privately.
I also went to a Dr who specializes in this procedure and does a great job.
I will say the second time around was much different than the first in that it was much more painful. Area was bigger and took three tries to remove it all. Plus the way they had to restitch caused a lot of pulling in order to close area. Yes on bruising and swelling. Be sure to take pain meds with you (OTC) my Dr did not give me any and by the time we were headed home (1 1/2 hr drive) I was in a lot of pain!
As far as working out mine was done on a Fri and took Sat off (Sun regular rest day) and trust me I had no desire to workout! Took it easy the first part of the following week and by mid week I was running again. Play it smart, nothing with head down.
Like I mentioned I am 7 wks out from procedure and what I am finding is being out in the sun aggravates it, causing discomfort and sometimes headaches. I still have an area that has no feeling. They said this may take 6 months - 1 yr for nerves to heal. I still get occasional pain/discomfort but it gets better than before.
I don't mean for an of this to scare you and i am sorry if it did. Not my intention just so you know.
Mine was basal cel which is the least of them all. I can tell you I will be better about sunblock and protection now. No more laying out in the sun.
Good luck and please let us know how it goes.

My procedure wnet well. It also took 3 trys to get it all. Area about the size of my pinkie nail...made bigger incision to close...I had 2 hour trip and till we got home the novicane had wore off. Sore and alittle swollen today (day after). Will probably not WO till Monday. Was happy with overall procedure. THe Drs were great, kept me informed theentire time, showed me what they were doing. Just glad it isover with! Thanks for all your info. Didn't scare me at all! :)
I'm so glad it's behind you now. Give us another update later. Sure hope for a good recovery for you. Hang in there.

How about the other lady who had it done on Thursday? Any update from her? Please???

Moh's was Thursday. it took 3 tries to get it all. It left a shocking hole in my face. I looked like I had been shot in the face. I had a 2 hour plastic surgery today to fix the hole in my face. Could have been much worse but it still wasn't pretty.:p
I'm in a bit of shock as to how big the Moh's hole was. Between a dime and a quarter but when it's your face it seems ginormous. The hole was too wide to just stitch up on not have a puckered scar. I will always have a scar but the plastic surgery took some skin from my nose and covered the part of the hole that was on the side of my nose near my eye and then skin from the top of my cheek and down the side of my cheek near my nose to pull up and cover the hole that was on the cheek. If that makes any sense. It was using my skin like a piece of fabric, slicing it and stretching it to cover the Moh's hole.
I'm a bit loopy from the surgery meds etc so forgive my rambling post. I still have numbness from the surgery and I've been icing like crazy.
I look pretty banged up and I can't wear my sunglasses because of the stitches at the edge of my nose near my eye.:mad: I have a follow up tomorrow morning with the plastic surgeon to see how it's healing to to discuss when the stitches will come out. I understand the healing will take months and months and that I will always have a scar. It's just that I should have a smaller, less noticeable scar with the plastic surgery than just letting the site heal by it's self or doing a skin graft.
I wish I hadn't worried about saving money and had gone in for my skin check. I missed doing them for the past 6 years from the effects of the recession. (lost savings, lost house etc. and now with a 16 year old to raise we're starting over at the age of 59. )
The only thing I can say is that the Dr. & Hospital staff were surprised to see that I'm 59 years old. My blood pressure was always 110/55 or less. Yea Cathe! I can't wait until the stitches are out and get back on my routine.
Just FYI the squamous cell carcinoma patch I had looked a bit like a psoriasis patch. I've had Psoriatic Arthritis since I was 39. I thought it was just a flare up or a seborrhic keritosis (sp?) patch and that I'd deal with it when times got better.
Sorry for the long post. It felt good to talk about my journey in the hope it helps someone else. And I know you all know how hard it is to stop working out when you're on week 8 of the 90 Xtrain rotation. Phooey!:(
Nite nite. Take care and I'll check in later tomorrow. Pain meds and all. :) Colleen aka/cocob1
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Wow, I'm so sorry that was such an ordeal for you. I hope you're better soon. I agree with you that early detection is the key. My daughter, who's had it for basal cell, goes in every 6 months for a complete check. I think both of hers were caught early. Probably why hers were so much easier. Hang in there!
Sorry for the long pity pot post last night.
The stitches come out next Friday. Today I rested, napped, iced and made a very good stew with lots of vegetable. I'm going to look into some of Cathe's Low Impact cardio workouts and see which ones I can adapt for an easy workout this week. I can't even do yoga! I can do cardio as long as my heart rate doesn't get too high but I can't do weights or bending over in case I put pressure on the stitches.
I'm so glad your daughters skin cancer was caught early.
Sorry for the long pity pot post last night.
The stitches come out next Friday. Today I rested, napped, iced and made a very good stew with lots of vegetable. I'm going to look into some of Cathe's Low Impact cardio workouts and see which ones I can adapt for an easy workout this week. I can't even do yoga! I can do cardio as long as my heart rate doesn't get too high but I can't do weights or bending over in case I put pressure on the stitches.
I'm so glad your daughters skin cancer was caught early.

Checking to see how you are now at about 2 months post procedure. Sorry to hear it took so much to close it up. I also was amazed at the size of the hole in my forehead. I had the same thought, looked like a gunshot. At least for mine Mohs surgeon was able to close mine by making another cut in order to pull it together. However this made for a great deal of pain with healing process. I am 3 1/2 months since mine and can tell you scar looks great. Still some reddishness around area but with time I assume this will fade as well.
I hope you are finally back on track with your workouts and all is well.

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