modifications: repeat or move on?


Hi Cathe!
STS is a great series and I am looking forward to working my way through it. My question is, I have had to modify on some of the exercises especially in legs and chest, shoulders and biceps discs (having to drop to my knees toward the last of the push ups and doing the paper plate lunges without weights) should I move on next week or should I repeat the workouts until I have less modifications? Thanks for your time.
Peace, Ann
I was wondering about this as well. My plan was to move on (otherwise it might take years for me to finish the entire series). I'm doing a 6 month rotation and keeping notes. I figure I'll try STS again next year and hopefully I will be able to see lots of improvements. But since you've asked the question, I'd like to see if anyone has any thoughts.

I had the same question last week and SNM replied that I should move on...they said it's expected that some modifications would be needed but it's important to move forward with the workouts. Hope that helps!
I had the same question last week and SNM replied that I should move on...they said it's expected that some modifications would be needed but it's important to move forward with the workouts. Hope that helps!

Oh I'm so glad you jumped in here! I was just about to post that I recalled reading this somewhere but I couldnt get a narrow enough search!

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