modification for abs in Low impact circuit


Not sure if this is the right place to ask... I just did the ab section of Low impact circuit. Some of the exercises are a little advanced for me yet. Rather than try them and get my form wrong (I could feel some low back strain in some of them) would you recommend substituting a different exercise all-together or just modifying the exercises that she has? For instance the first oblique exercise where she has you like a "V" with both legs going upward into the "V", would just putting one leg up still target the muscle and help build the strength or would I be better off substituting a different basic oblique exercise? I really want to build up my "nonexistant" ab strength and am hoping you ladies might have some suggestions on the best way to accomplish this. I recently had a baby and my abs are SOOOO weak.

Hi, Winter2B! First of all, congrats on your new little munchkin!

The oblique exercise you are describing is indeed advanced, and for me it taxes the hip flexors at least as much as the obliques. I think you would be better of substituting another oblique exercise rather than trying to do these one-legged. Side-lying crunches (I've also called them same-side crunches) will do well for a substitute; these are demonstrated in the Cardio & Weight ab routine and one of the Slow & Heavy (traditional) ab routines; there might be other ab sets with that drill but I can't think of them right now.

Or . . . just pluck some of the oblique drills YOU enjoy and feel are productive without back strain, and go for it. You may want to be careful about long-leg / lever work right now; that might be what's causing the back strain. Work your abs carefully right now; they've gotten quite a workout already for the past 9 months.


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