Miss Teen South Carolina - Our future is bright!


I nearly cried :7

Bless her pretty heart, reckon she was so nervous she just couldn't think or....???:p
Awww, I feel so bad for her. I can only imagine how scary that has to be up there and having to answer a question intelligently. Poor girl. It was funny but then I just felt bad for her.
Now I feel bad! You guys are so nice!! I thought it was funny because that really is the only thing she has to do with her mind. OK, I am sorry for being mean.
Ohmy...don't you dare feel bad...it was funny....and sad:7

I just couldn't tell if she was really nervous or really, well, not smart.

It was so :eek: to hear how she struggled with the question.

You ain't mean...at all. Thanks for posting it cause I got a chuckle out of it fersure :)
Don't feel bad. At first I laughed and then the mother in me kicked and realized she is only a teenager. I mean it was kind of funny though!
Annette Bethel

Well, SC does rank at the bottom of the list in education. And the voucher system or school choice is being screwed thanks to our legislators. This is what we get. I am from SC, it is not funny but really sad and a reflection of SC's educational system. I wish my kids were back in private school. I future is not bright with public schools in SC, that is for sure!!

Don't even respond to that person. Notice the name is Okra Winfried like Oprah Winfrey. Also, I think they are trying to stir something up and also only has 2 posts. I had read back in the thread to see what that person was talking about and I had said something about the mother in me kicking in and feeling bad because she was a teenager. I think that person is saying that if the girl was black, my mother instinct wouldn't have kicked in. That person is just a troll trying to stir something up. And by the way, I am not even white, I am Puerto Rican and white and my husband is Filipino. Oh my, I told you not to respond to that person and here I am doing it. I will step out of here now.
<<<on that note i didn't understand the purpose of the question let alone the answer LOL!!! i probably would have asked HUH?? after they asked a question or said i dunno LOL!!!>>>

LOL .. I thought it was just me!! (or the blonde in me kicking in) .. the question really did not make any sense to me ... I had to play it twice just to see what she actually said ..

the poor girl probably didn't understand what she said .. and panicked .. I would have laughed and asked her to repeat it again also ..

even now I can't think of an appropriate response .. LOL ... :+
I'm sure she has a bright future as a news anchor or one of Hugh Hefner's young blonde girl friends. Sometimes you can get along without brains. Yep, rather pathetic and sad. What an example for the youth of South Carolina - is this the best they could do?
This is hilarious, in a pathetic kind of way. It's so ironic that they asked that particular question, since clearly she is part of the 1/5th of Americans who can't identify the U.S. on a map! }( }(
I don't feel bad for her at all. She's the one who wants to be a beauty queen, no one's forcing her to compete in those silly things!

Okay. I'm embarassed to say I actually watch "Girls Next Door." It is so incredibly entertaining. I can't believe these girls are not acting! Come on...they can't be that dense in real life!

Ah yes, guilty pleasure. Just like "Dr. 90210." ;)
Hey she knew that the US was in America!

I thought Miss Teen USA was far more than beauty. I thought the contestants had to have brains and talent. Maybe she was having an off day, but she got the smile right at the end.
The 'Girls Next Door', those girls are a 'hoot', plain and simple.

What is the name of that one, the least pretty (imho) that has that just dead sounding laugh? Is it Kendra?
She's the one that skeers me. Weird.

Reckon they make enough money while young to last them the rest of their lives?
But then again, they could be doctors-in-disguise :7

After posting this, I went back and watched that again....just agony.

I got the impression that she was prepared for some kinda political question, maybe, and that's why she had to get Iraq in there....South Africa, heck... don't know.

Goodness, but you know, in the current 'celeb-publicity at any cost' crap, this will probably work to her advantage, no? :p
I love Kendra! And her pimp cup! hahah
Oh, gosh! I better start reading more books and doing more sodoku - or I will forget where the US is on a map! he he he

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