Miss Teen South Carolina - Our future is bright!

I agree...Kendra is my favorite because she's just so...I don't even knwo how to describe her. The pimp cup, that laugh, her language...she just does not give a crap!

I do feel kind of badly for Holly, though. I think the poor girl actually belives that Hef is going to marry her someday.

>I agree...Kendra is my favorite because she's just so...I
>don't even knwo how to describe her. The pimp cup, that
>laugh, her language...she just does not give a crap!
>I do feel kind of badly for Holly, though. I think the poor
>girl actually belives that Hef is going to marry her someday.

Oh wow. She is on the Today show right now. Not the brightest bulb in the box, but I do feel bad for this girl.

[font face="garamond" font color=deeppink size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif

"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George
>Oh wow. She is on the Today show right now. Not the
>brightest bulb in the box, but I do feel bad for this girl.
>[font face="garamond" font color=deeppink size=+2]~Cathy
>"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and
>the persons we were destined to be."

I just saw her on the Today's Show...her answer wasn't too much better!
LOL!!! But you do have to feel just a tad bit sad for her.

On the other hand if competing in pagents is what she wants to do, she needs to practice more and study harder, since they always ask question.

Poor girl, Poor SC:-(

P.S. Kendra is hoot!!
>I just saw her on the Today's Show...her answer wasn't too
>much better!

I agree, but Matt and Ann were kind to her, weren't they?

[font face="garamond" font color=deeppink size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif

"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George
I saw her on Today, too. I don't think she's all that bright. They gave her a chance to answer again, and she clearly had a canned, prepared answer. Near the end of the interview, she totally went into "pageant mode" and was answering questions like a robot. Memorized answers rather than conversational. That's the pageant mentality though. Looks before learnin'
I've heard people defend pageants because of the scholarships but the money you spend on gowns, clothes, travel, make-up and hair care stuff, is probably more than the amount of the scholarship. And only one girl can win.
Well, personally, I believe that she has a WONDERFUL future!!! She has a true talent for rambling/babbling on about nothing in particular.....sounds like a great resume for a future politician!!!;-)
>I'm glad to find out that the main problem facing the US is a
>mysterious lack of maps...

I have tried to resist this thread but cannot hold back any longer. I live in an area where pageants are very popular. I promise you this girl didn't just do Miss Teen - she has been doing pageants since she was a little girl. I have tried to contain my feelings but for some reason online it is a little easier to express myself:

I HATE PAGEANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!x( x( x( x( x( x( x(

For the life of me I can't understand why any mother would want to instill these values onto her daughter! Those of you who are not familiar with pageants would be surprised at the expense! They usually have sponsors - think of a walkathon or something where people give donations. One teen participated in a Miss Forestry around here and her dress alone was $900. Just think how many music lessons/foreign language/art/athletic/'name something worthy' you could buy with that money! Or how about feeding some hungry people!

UGH! I can't tell you how "ANTI-PAGEANT" I am. My dd's middle school even had a pageant at the school - little "Miss WBM School" UGH

Did I mention I hate pageants?}(
I have tried to resist this thread but cannot hold back any longer. I live in an area where pageants are very popular. I promise you this girl didn't just do Miss Teen - she has been doing pageants since she was a little girl. I have tried to contain my feelings but for some reason online it is a little easier to express myself:

I HATE PAGEANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!x( x( x( x( x( x( x(

For the life of me I can't understand why any mother would want to instill these values onto her daughter! Those of you who are not familiar with pageants would be surprised at the expense! They usually have sponsors - think of a walkathon or something where people give donations. One teen participated in a Miss Forestry around here and her dress alone was $900. Just think how many music lessons/foreign language/art/athletic/'name something worthy' you could buy with that money! Or how about feeding some hungry people!

UGH! I can't tell you how "ANTI-PAGEANT" I am. My dd's middle school even had a pageant at the school - little "Miss WBM School" UGH

Did I mention I hate pageants?}(
If I were this girl, I would be so freakin' embarrassed! I mean, it is one thing to evade the question and bs your way through it by sounding eloquent. But she used incorrect grammar, employed way too many fillers, and on top of that, the answer made no sense. I do feel bad for her for what she is going to have to live with. Sheesh!

Maria Katherine

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