MIS vs. Pyramids?? Which is most effective?


Ok ladies... which will lend the faster results for definition/fat burning? I've got 8 mnths to get ready for my wedding and I've not time to waste! Please share your thoughts! Like everyone on here, I'm rapidly becoming insanely addicted to Cathe's workouts, and I now have several to choose from, but for weight training, although I'll alternate occasionally, I'd like to pick my MAIN one... pls lemme know whatcha think!!!
I would have to say Pyramids!

Not only are you getting almost twice the amount of time of workouts ( MIS is just over an hour, and Both Pyramid tapes together total about 2 hours) but there is a lot more variety and ways to challenge the various muscles in all sorts of ways.. esp in PLB.

I love MIS.. it was my first Cathe weight training workout.. But the Pyramid workout takes it to another level.

Let us know which way you go and congratulations to you and your spouse to be!!

Lynn M.
pyramid I use to hate these tapes till I adapted them to what I wanted.I go as heavy as I can and never go down in wt just reps.EX.chest I will do flys with 30lb db in each hand I will do 12 and do presses with 40-47lbs in each hand and do 12.I can keep up until it is time to pyrmid down and I just keep doing as many as I can .Usually when she does 10 I do 6 -12 I do 4.MIS was my first also and it use to fry my muscles I couldn't even raise my hands above my head to wash my hair when I showered.:p
I think they're both good, but I believe that the pyramids are more effective, plus they're more modern-looking, more fun and have all those wonderful premixes.
Lynn said it all: the Pyramids take it to a whole new level.

MIS doesn't have the intensity that the Pyramids have. I've always classified the Pyramids as both strength (because of the increasing weights) and endurance (because of the high reps) workouts. They have done more for me than I ever expected, and 8 months is more than enough time to see results.

Good luck,
Hi Sassy and welcome to the wonderful world of Cathe:) I would vote for The Pyramids. It is really fast pace and you will feel it the next day so If you do decide to get the Pyramid try and start off light because I remember when I first did the upper body one I couldn't move for a week}(. I can remember my husband was poking at me because he knew I was in pain but a good pain of course:). Have fun and tak care:)
:D Pyramids definitely you are working each muscle with 3 different weight increments doing 3 sets up and 3 sets down!!! A winner all the way!
Thanks guys! Pyramids it is!! Just the motivation I need to get started tonight... it's 8:30 PM and I'm just now gettin my sneaks on... :7
My answer is split.

I love the pyramids upper body workout. My muscles alwasy feel well worked out after that one. But MIS lower body going HEAVY gives me better results than going as heavy as I can with pyramid lower body. I guess that's just the way my body responds. I use 65 pounds for squats and 60 pounds for lunges. Yes, it's a struggle lifting the barbell over my head but I manage it. For the lunges on the step I use 20 pound dumbells.

I must say that I love the chest work in MIS though. I'm always so proud to be able to pump out 16 "big girl" pushups. Of course, that's the 1st set. By the 2nd set, I'm on my knees after 8 pushups! Then even the knee pushups are hard!

I have to agree with Sue. Doing the same thing for 8 months will not get you the results your looking for. MIS is one of my favorite total body workouts. PUB does take things up another level, but you need variety. Changing up your upper body workouts with ME, or slow & heavy and the push/pull, super sets etc., will help you reach your goals and help you from hitting a plateau.
I've had best results using one method of strength training (like the Pyramids) for about 3 months and then switching to something else. I think our bodies adapt after that and need the change to continue to progress. But I do think the Pyramids give the best results. So I would suggest you do a 3 month rotation of just the Pyramids and then go to a different method of strength training for a month or two and then go back to the Pyramids again for the last 3 months. I've seen the best definition with them.
I'd like to chime in here. Now the Pyramids are great and so is MIS & PH and ME, but doing only one of them for 8 months will mostlikely not work. Your muscles will adapt to the workout at some point and you will no longer be challenging those muscles. Cathe has recommended staying with a particular rotation as long as you are getting results. When you no longer make improvements, then it is time to "change it up."

I personally had done a lot of pyramid work after buying the IS and loved the results. Recently I have revisited MIS, PH & ME to fulfill a rotation doing 2 full body days per week and 1 circuit day ( & 2 full cardio days). And MIS, PH & ME going heavy have been effective once again!

I got married on October and did the Intensity series consistently for the 10-12 weeks leading up to the wedding. I did mostly Cathe workouts for 9 months before the wedding, but really saw great results when I switched to the Intensity series. My vote would be for the pyramids.


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