MIS question


Active Member
Hi everyone! This is only my second time posting in this forum, but I see lots of names I recognize from the Firm Forum and KBT (hi acrocris! hi MadnNatsMom!) where I post as LauraP

Anyway, on to my question: I've been doing Cathe's PS tapes for about a month (love them!) and recently acquired MIS to do on weeks when I don't have time to get through all the PS tapes twice. I think I've figured out appropriate weights for the PS tapes, but I'm struggling a little with MIS. The lower body work is no problem--I have freakishly strong legs. But with the upper body work, I find that by the time I'm through with the chest segment I've already secondarily fatigued my shoulders and arms so I can't handle much weight at all for the delt work, the triceps work, and the biceps work. Would it be better to go lighter on the chest work so that I can get more out of the shoulder and arm work? Also, do most of you go lighter when you're doing MIS than when you're doing the PS series?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi LauraP,
I have the same problem with MIS that you do. I never really thought about lowering the weight for chest to see if I could do better with shoulders, bis and tris. I am going to try lowering my weight for chest the next time I do MIS and see what happens.

To answer your other question, I use the same weights for legs, back and chest for both MIS and PS but I use heavier weights on the PS series for shoulders tris and bis.

I do use less weight with MIS than I do with the PS series. Could you save the chest work for the end, since that fatigues you the most? I know it might be a hassle fast forwarding and rewinding, unless you have the DVD, but maybe you could give it a try.

Hi Laura,
It is good to see you here. I posted something about this months ago complaining about the same thing. I can lift pretty heavy for the PS series, but MIS is a different story. With MIS after my chest, I too struggle with my shoulders. Also doing those underhand rows for the back totally fatigue my biceps. If I do the whole thing, I lighten my weights (which I don't do too often), but usually I just split it up. I usually do legs, chest and back one day, the next day shoulders, biceps, triceps and abs. I have just grown so accustomed to split routines because I really feel I can put my all into it. I don't know if you have the Body Max tape. I love it and I love the upper body part. The upper body part just fries my shoulders. The weight segment is 30 minutes long and works the entire upper body. It is a great time saver. I am rambling now, but I thought you should know you are not alone.
Take care!
I go lighter than I'm capable of on the MIS chest work because I had the same problem you're having. I was toast by the time I got to the tricep work. Helps with shoulder work too.

I go lighter on MIS vs PS because the tempo is faster & you're working the entire upper body at once. It seems like the rest time is shorter too.
I *love* BodyMax!!!

In fact, I love it so much that when I do MIS I often find myself thinking I should have done BodyMax instead so I'd be getting some cardio along with the strength training! It's a fabulous tape!

I like the split routine idea for MIS. I think that it will be easier to heavy up if I'm not trying to work my entire body. It'll also help with time constraints. MIS is one heckuva long tape! If I break it up it'll be easier for me to work it into my schedule.

Toast is right!

First time I did MIS, I tried using 20 lb dumbbells for that first set of pec flies. I usually use about the same weights as Cathe when I'm doing the PS series, so I figured if she was using 20 lbs, I would use 20 lbs. Big mistake! I completed the set--barely--but then could hardly do a single pushup on my toes! I felt like such a wuss doing pushups on my knees! A toasted wuss!

Thanks, Joy!

BTW, you're right about Cathe's post over in the Ask Cathe forum--the one where she talks about the different workouts and what they are supposed to target. It's very enlightening. It sounds as though we are supposed to be going lighter in MIS than in the PS series, and focusing as much on endurance as on strength. Kinda like BodyMax without the cardio. I think if one were to split up MIS as acrochris does, it might be easier to heavy up and make strength gains. I will have to give it a try this weekend!

Hi, Laura!

Great to see you here.

I definitely have to use ligher weights with MIS (I CURSE you crazy 8s!!) compared to PS.

Someone posted that they thought PS: SL&A was actually easier than MIS legs despite the heavier weights and I thought "How could that be?" Now I understand. LESS REPS!!!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-01 AT 09:34PM (Est)[/font][p]Laura,

I do go lighter with MIS than when I do PS... the last few times I did MIS--- I've been splitting it into a three day split:

MIS Chest, Back/ cardio
MIS Legs, ABs/ Yoga Stretch
MIS Shoulders, Bis, Tris/ cardio
Cardio/Yoga Stretch
Total Body or BodyMax Leg Circuits & BodyMax Upper

I'm able to go heavier in the shoulder dept.... and feel more rested if I add at least one day between chest and shoulder exercises. I've ordered the DVD and can't wait for their arrival... it certainly will make it easier to mix-n-match.

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