I tried to do a search of previous posts with no luck. I am considering purchasing the MIS and MIC videos. My question is:
How many times a week are these videos to be done? Do you alternate and do each one three times a week? I know I need to be doing cardio although I would much rather only do weight training. Would this be a good way to knock out the cardio and lose some of my all too stubborn fat? Thanks in advance!:7
I think MIS and MIC would be great additions to your workout collection, precisely because you can schedule them however you want to.

With MIC, you can slice it up into hi/lo and step routines on different days for shorter cardio (you'd need to sling in a step warm-up from another vid for the step segment), which would be, I think, a good way to wiggle cardio into your program incrementally. And, you could also do the whole MIC taco for a grand slam.

You could also do MIS in one fell swoop, or slice up the lower body and upper body segments onto different days, maybe pairing it up with an MIC cardio beforehand as an extended warm up.

IMHO, once a week with each of these is plenty, presuming you're alternating with other vids.

Other opinions?

What a great idea! Hmmm . . . now I'm really tempted to go ahead with my purchase. I was thinking that they did seem exceptionally long. However, I also thought I might benefit from working the total body more times a week for added definition. I absolutely love the intensity of the Pure Strength series which I have been alternating with PS CST and BBA on the same day and SLA on the next. As I said in the first post though, I have not been doing cardio. (I know, I know - shame on me! It is a weakness of mine)

You mention that an option would be to do a portion of MIC BEFORE doing the strength segments. I like the idea of combining them like this so that I am doing both weights and cardio each day. Is it better to do the cardio portion before strength rather than doing it AFTER the strength segments? I have seen this issue debated before but I am not sure what the current consensus is. At one point I heard you should do it after because your body doesn't start burning fat until after 20 minutes. I also heard you should do it before because you still have your full energy and will be less likely to "chicken out" and skip the cardio at the end. Sorry so long!:p
Ah, Musclebound . . . the "which is better?" question is one of the great unanswerables of the ages. There is no current consensus as to which is better - cardio and weights on different days? cardio then weights on the same day? weights then cardio on the same day? split sets versus total-body strength routines? - nor should there be. So much depends on your fitness goals AND your personal preferences that what is right has to reside with the exerciser.

My personal preference is to do rip-snortin' cardio and then a total body strength routine in each land session (keep in mind I teach and participate in two high-intensity aqua classes {no, that's not a contradiction in terms!} per week, so I only have three land workout sessions per week). I like to do at least one leg-circuit-style cardio routine each week and at least one unweighted cardio session per week; then I do abs; then a total upper body set. For me, the cardio is the perfect warm-up / heat-up for the strength work. It does not leech out any of my energy; in fact, high-octane cardio actually energizes me for my strength work, as well as limber me up.

You'll find a vast array of opinions (some heated!) on this topic. IMHO, given you've identified that you've allowed cardio to slide by the wayside a bit, you should do your cardio first, then go on to strength right afterward so that you've done what you need to do and can go on to what you want to do.

Just my $.02 - I'd be interested in others' opinions. And yes, do get MIC and MIS. As well as everything else Cathe has to offer.

I am following your advice and heading to the "Order Online" screen! I think you are right that I should do the cardio first since I tend to dread it. Once I'm finished I will probably be so pumped that I made it through, finishing out with strength should be a breeze. Well, no strength workout of Cathe's could EVER be a breeze now could it?! ;-)
Thanks again Aquajock!
You're quite welcome. You'll be happy to know I have a Master Certification in Spending Others' Money For Them. I have to maintain that credential on an ongoing basis.

Dollars Of Yours To Spend

P.S. Cathe will change your mind about cardio. Trust me.

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