MIS Deadlift Substitue


In the MIS video,I just feel (maybe wrongly) that the deadlift is too hard on my back. Does anyone have a good substitute exercise I can do while Cathe is doing the deadlift?

Many thanks.

No suggestions for substitutes here, but maybe the reason it's hard on your back is that your form is off. I recommend doing the deadlifts unless you have a specific injury or medical condition that makes it a risky exercise for you. Make sure that you aren't going down so far that your back begins to round (you may want to lighten up on weights for it). I like to think of the action as one of those bird toys that tips forward to dip it's beak into water, then straightens back up. The upper body keeps the same posture throughout (scapular retraction, with shoulders down and back and cheest out), and the only bend is at the hip joint. When coming up (a part of the motion where it's easy to round the back), make sure to lead by pushing your tush in and feeling like there's a string connected to your upper back that is pulling you up.

Deadlifts are great for the hamstrings, glutes and lower back (the last of which they work isometrically). In order to find a substitute for them, you'd either need multiple exercises (a back extension over a medecine ball plus hamstring curls) and/or gym equipment.
Kathryn gave you a good description of deadlifts, but I'm going out on a limb here (please don't throw things at me!) to give MHO, I think deadlifts are just too darn dangerous! Unless you have a mirror, or someone to spot you to make sure your form is perfect, you are setting yourself up for a serious injury. I always skip them when lifting with Cathe. In their place I do Superman's on the mat. I have a back problem now so I'm overly cautious, but if I could do it all over again I would have avoided deadlifts from the beginning--before my back went out on me! Of course, I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who benefit from them, but I wasn't one of them!
Appreciate Kathryn and your detailed advice. Kathryn has always given great advice (to me and from my browsing through the forums) but is more advanced than I will be in another five years! I have done (and do)strenuous aerobics but am new to weight training and I feel the way you do about the deadlifts (unless I had the benefit of a personal trainer coaching me). Don't laugh -- but what in the world are Supermans on the mat!!!!????

Thanks again to both of you.

If you have Cathe's S&H DVD she does them in her Chest and Back workout. Basically, you're lying face down on the floor and you lift your upper body and legs off the floor, just a few inches, with your arms in front of your head--picture Superman flying. Sorry, but I'm terrible with descriptions, so if anyone can give you a better one feel free!
The only tape I have is MIS but I've seen one exercise where you lie on your stomach and lift your right arm and left leg simultaenously, then alternate with the other side. Thanks for the good idea.

Boy, I better spellcheck next time. Just noticed my Topic is spelled "Substitue"!!!! Also, put in message asking about advice on Power Hor!!!! Oh, well, too late to edit them now.

If you want to do the supermans as a sub for deadlifts, you'll have to add in a hamstring/glute exercise to really take the place of the muscle groups that are worked with deadlifts. Do you have the intensity series? The hamstring work the Cathe does on the ball in PLB would fill the bill. Or, you could lie down on your back, with your heels on a 10-12 inch step, then push up through your heels. You'll feel this in your hamstrings and lower glutes.
Are you sure your weight is not too heavy? Try using a lighter weight and see if that helps, or put a slight bend in your knees so that you are taking some stress of the back. Another substitute would be to lie on your bench or floor, put a dumbbell between your feet and slowly bring your feet up towards your glutes, then slowly lower back down.
When I had some back pain, I substituted the dead lifts with rows. You can do these standing (both arms), sitting (both arms) or standing with one hand on the bench to support (one arm) or standing on one leg, the other kneeling on the bench with one hand to support (one arm). Did that make sense?

The idea to lower the weight is excellent - in fact you might try no weight (maybe someone already suggested that).
Thanks, I'll try that. When I win the lottery, I'll have Cathe design a tape that has just the exercises best for me!!!! Wish I could get a personal trainer that would set up a personal program and videotape it.

She is talking about the planks ... it looks like your fixing to do a push-up, but you don't ............ Rhonda :7

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