Mini Step


New Member

I would love to get your new intensity series, but I can't find a source to purchase the mini step that you use. Can you let me know who distributes these and how I can contact them? Thanks!
No kidding , I'm sooo wanting that mini step too! I was thinking of holding off on getting the S&H DVD just to get that mini step...I wonder how much longer we need to wait before it's availbe for purchase.
If you look at the top of this page, Cathe is sitting on it. It's basically a tall box made from risers for the club step & a shorter step topper.
Thanks! I only have cardio hits so far -- what dvd's do we use the mini step for? I am guessing that mini step would be good for firms too, since the fanny lifter is so small width wise?
I too can't wait for the mini step. BUT, don't wait on the S&H for it, cause you don't need the mini step for S&H. There are no step-ups in this tape. :)

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