I agree, they are hard to get at a good firmness....I couldn't do anything with the straw, I
have numerous hand pumps with a very small needle-like tip, so I used that
to inflate mine, just makes it quicker I guess, but to get that plug in fast enough to hold the
air in, is a trick in itself. LOL! I just tried to get it a little firmer than what I wanted, so when
I pulled out inflation thing and put in the plug, I had a "little extra" air to play with, if that makes sense. You don't want to over inflate tho', so you need to be careful. I love the
little balls, I actually have several of them, and I don't think any of them are inflated to
the same size! But you do want it to be a little squishy, like Pauline mentioned above,
so you can grip with your hands, etc. I do like it a little squishy too, I think it stays in
place better, etc. Good luck

, you'll get it !