Mindy Mylrea video


Just to shake up my own routine a little, I ordered 2 new, non Cathe tapes while I wait for the Cross Train Xpress series to be ready on DVD. I have about 9 of Cathe's tapes, but after months of rotating them creatively I figured it would be fun to throw in a couple of different style workouts. I've NEVER been a fan of the Firm workouts, they usually don't seem to be my style but I did order one of the more recent (I think) strength training tapes by them. And what I'm really psyched to try is Slammin Sports Cardio by Mindy Mylrea. I saw a clip from it on the website I ordered it from and it looks like very athletic step routines and interval work.

As soon as I get it I'll watch it once (of course, safety first!) and then try it and post to let you all know how it is. I'm still anxiously looking forward to getting Cathe's new DVD, when it's ready, but I think it will also be great to add more variety to my workouts. If anyone else has tried the Mylrea video, let me know what you thought of it. I tend to like less dancy, more straightforward, athletic workouts so it looks like it will be fun for me.
i luv it

Mindy's Slamming Sports Cardio is awesome!!! Not dancy at all! It has a step warm-up (which already has me to my THR in about 2 minutes), it's very basic step. Then it moves to agility training, it reminds me alot of Cathe's intervals in IMax with fast "mini-jogs" in between. Then it moves to a very basic but very tough kick-box routine (I never realized how tough it was until I got my HRM and saw that although I was having a ball my HR was in the upper 160s :eek: ). Then it moves to a football section with running while straddling the bench (think of running through the tires in FB practice drills) and then alittle step thrown in. Then back to more agility with jumping and quick manuevers. THEN if you're still living you go to intervals involving the step, also a lot like Imax and Intense Moves. All in all I love it, the toning/strengthening is fun but I prefer Cathe's. But it is great if you're wanting something short light and all-inclusive. Warning though-uses a big bouncy ball, tubing, and body bar. I use my light barbell and weights. Anyway-have fun!!! It's one of my faves :D
it'll have you :-jumpy for joy!!!!
I agree!

Slammin' Sports Cardio is a great workout...I like to throw it into my rotations every now and then too.

Julie already gave you a very thorough breakdown. I'll just add that you won't be bored by this one...it's got a lot of variety and intensity during the drills but it's easy to learn...your heartrate will definitely be up! ;-).

RE: Thanks

Thanks so much for the info, now I'm really looking forward to getting my new tape this week. It sounds like my kind of stuff, too. But I really am anxious to be able to order the CTX DVD 8 pack, too. This will just be a fun diversion while I wait for the announcement.

Thanks again!
me too!

Just have to add that I love this video. It is really great for variety and I consider it cross-training as well. It is really intense, but seems to go fast because there are so many sections. Great choice!
RE: I agree!

Mindy's Slamming Sports Cardio is fabulous! And if you like that one, you will also like her new Ultimate BootCamp Challenge. This one combines cardio and toning (using many authentic military drills) in 60 minutes. It is tough but fun! It is available on her website jumpincfitness.com.
RE: awesome

Thanks to everyone for filling me in, now I'm really impatient for the mailman to get here. I'm hoping it comes today or tomorrow. And especially thanks for the info on the new video by Mindy too and the website.

You guys all rock!

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