RE: Sticky situation?
Sure I'll share. It was last year, I was at the store and went to my car, and since I'm an exercise freak, I had parked quite aways from the store to walk. lol It was like 6pm and getting a little dark out and I was putting my bags into the trunk of my car.
When I turned around, this guy appeared out of nowhere and when I turned, I was facing him; he reached out w/both hands to grab my arms, I think. My reaction was completely instinctual from years of Taebo and my hands came up into what my 'fighting guard' and at the same time I was pushing his hands off me, I front-kicked him, (well more knee 'kick' since he was kinda close to me), hard as I could, right where it counts and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. I started yelling and people came to help.
After it was over, I was scared as crap, thinking what COULD have happened. Probably he just wanted my purse and that was it, but you don't know for sure.
So I owe Billy and his lessons a lot and I'm really glad for all his 'breaks' in a workout to explain how the move can protect one!