Mindi - are you still around?


Just curious if Mindi is still around on this forum. I would love to know if Body RX is still giving you such good results. I'm very interested in giving it a try and I remember that you were quite an expert on it.
I'm still around. :) I'm doing a tweaked BRX and I fear its slowed down what I'm looking for! That happens when you mess w/a formula! LOL

What would you like to know?
Hi Mindi,
I'm glad to see that you are still around! Which of the Body Blast are you most excited about?

I'm just curious how many times with BodyRx do you hit each body part per week, do you do splits like Body for Life or total body or one-body-part-per-day? Perhaps I should just go buy the book on my lunch hour today and I wouldn't have to quiz you on this? Is his diet similar to Body for Life? Thanks for any insight.

the Book's in paperback now, I believe Dr. Connelly is preparing a follow up book which will be out soon? "fingers crossed"

Generally we work one part per week, HARD, and it needs the rest of the time to recover. As for food, I've not done BFL, but those who have and have tried BRX say they eat more on BRX and still lose weight. A good friend of mine stalled bigtime on BFL but lost 12lbs almost immediately on more calories via BRX. Bodies are different so finding the right balance is important. I know another person who is doing the BRX split and eating BFL and it works for him.

Get the book, but you're welcome to ask me questions always.
I forgot to mention that oddly enough, I'm most anxious to get Kick, Punch and Crunch, and the new Taebo videos that will be out soon. A dream of mine is someday Cathe and Billy Blanks team up to bring us the ULTIMATE kickbox/Taebo workout as well as a weight training workout. I'd LOVE to know what Billy and Shelli Blanks do for strength training..so if Cathe jumped in the mix WITH them...Oh Babbbaaay!

Sticky situation?

Shelley, I also wanted to ask the same question yesterday...but was afraid she may not want to share....:eek: BUT, since you did ask.....I also want to know!!!! :*

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lach.gif[/img]
RE: Sticky situation?

Sure I'll share. It was last year, I was at the store and went to my car, and since I'm an exercise freak, I had parked quite aways from the store to walk. lol It was like 6pm and getting a little dark out and I was putting my bags into the trunk of my car.

When I turned around, this guy appeared out of nowhere and when I turned, I was facing him; he reached out w/both hands to grab my arms, I think. My reaction was completely instinctual from years of Taebo and my hands came up into what my 'fighting guard' and at the same time I was pushing his hands off me, I front-kicked him, (well more knee 'kick' since he was kinda close to me), hard as I could, right where it counts and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. I started yelling and people came to help.

After it was over, I was scared as crap, thinking what COULD have happened. Probably he just wanted my purse and that was it, but you don't know for sure.

So I owe Billy and his lessons a lot and I'm really glad for all his 'breaks' in a workout to explain how the move can protect one!
RE: Sticky situation?

A scary situation, but I'm really glad you were able to handle it. Please tell me that the cops came and arrested him................
RE: Sticky situation?

Oh yes. He plead guilty to attempted assault, I followed the case because I work in criminal law. Since there was no trial, I wasn't really involved after the initial complaint was made.

He did a little time, not much though, and community service.
RE: Sticky situation?

I am so glad that you were not hurt (well physcially, I'm sure you are more scared to leave the house since then which is a "hurt" as well). Thank God you are okay. I like Billy too. I might buy his new cardio that comes out next week, but then I have 3 new Cathe's coming next week probably so I should watch my spending! Wonder if there was a wrestling match between Cathe and Billy, who would win?
I'm sorry to hear about your bad parking lot experience.

Take care (sounds like you can take care of yourself!)

RE: Sticky situation?

Thanks you guys! I'm NO expert, but I don't have any fear of going out alone. LOL

I have to thank Cathe and the BodyRx for the muscle too! :)

It totally rocks to be strong! :7
RE: Sticky situation?

Mindi, I too am SO glad you weren't hurt! Since you came out just fine, my "mental picture" of this scene is actually a positive one, in the sense that I just grin idiotically picturing you shocking the daylights out of this "perp" with your quick wits and power moves. Don't you wonder what was going through his astonished mind (other than OOOOOOUUUUUUCCCCCCHHHHHH!!!!!! ;-))??

You rock, girl!!

http://e4u.deltait.com.au/sport/sport23.gif Kathy S.
RE: Sticky situation?


I now count you as one of my heros!!!

I can't wait to tell my boyfriend. One of his biggest pet peeves is when attackers are able to get away. (This recently happened to a 21 year old non-Catheite that I know. She was able to get away but so did the guy.) Think how many potential victims you saved by getting this guy!!!!

Thank you for your bravery and gut reaction,

p.s., I'm glad you didn't mind my asking about the situation because I certainly didn't intend to be rude.:)

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