Milk - any users?


I usually workout in the morning and have a bowl of Kashi Go Lean afterwards with regular (skim) milk. Should I be drinking rice or soy milk instead? Any brands taste better than others? Thanks!
Soy Milk!!! It's so much better for you than cow's milk.
Here's why I think so:
* Humans are not meant to drink cow's milk - we're the only mammel that drinks another mammel's milk
* In order to produce milk, the cows must be pregnant 24/7.
* Cows are injected with all sorts of hormones - where do you suppose they end up? in your cow milk.
* 70% of humans are lactose intolerant...hmmmm
* Many cows are treated cruelly --this is my animal loving side speaking here.
* Milk is NOT a good source of calcium - in fact, it inhibits the body's absorption of calcium. not good for us women!
* A very large amount of pus is permitted in the production of milk. Yep, you're drinking it!
But you don't have to take my word for it--check out and see what they have to say about drinking cow milk and the alternatives. There's several other good sites, you might try searching using words like 'vegan', 'milk', 'soy', etc.

Some good brands of soy milk to try (or rice milk):
Vita Soy
Rice Dream
Soy Dream
Some I haven't found very tasty:
Better than Milk powdered soy mix

It's best to stick to the low fat or the regular enriched types; the fat free is pretty watered down.

Best wishes!!!
Just want to say... I TOTALLY AGREE!!! On all of kellib's points! Way to break it down!!

I drink Silk or Westwood (a local brand, not sure it's available outside of northern cal). I absolutely love soy milk. Westsoy is very thin and watery. Silk and Vitasoy are thicker & tastier. And if you go for the vanilla or chocolate varieties, make sure to check the sugar/high fructose corn syrup contents. I always stick with plain organic soy milk.

Anyway, listen to her post!

Rice milk is perfect for cereal. We use Rice Dream Original Enriched. Warning...all rice milks are NOT equal :)I would only buy the Rice Dream brand made my Imagine Foods. We currently buy ours at Walgreens (believe it or not). Rice Milk is a "sweeter" kind of milk which makes is great for cereals. It actually taste like the milk left over from a sugary cereal. Soy will also work but I just prefer rice milk in my cereal.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002
19 days to go!​ have done your research! Good for you. I'd also like to add as to why we can not absorb the calcium in cow's milk. This is due to the fact that it is a much courser kind of calcium than the kind found in mother's milk or plant foods. Isn't it funny how the countries with the highest rate of cow's milk consumtion also has the highest rate of Osteoperosis?
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002
19 days to go!​
RE: jillybean

Soymilk also contains isoflavones and phytoestrogens and superior fats. And because it takes many pounds of grain to produce a pound of milk even _if_ you are nice to the cows, it takes less land to produce soy milk than cow's milk so it's better for the environment. Lastly, half of the calves produced from dairy industry are male, they are slaughtered soon after birth. Since Silk and Vitasoy are so nutritionally excellent and taste so good, I use them exclusively for cereal, whitening tea and coffee and chocolate, and baking.
Soy milk - what is a serving ?

A couple of days ago I bought my first soy milk and I liked it. Then I noticed that the ingredients included some sort of oil (can't remember which) and a sweetener (not sugar, but something similar). The milk had 3 grams of fat. Do all tasty brands have those ingredients add in ? I think the one I bought is VitaSoy.
Also, what is a serving that is equivalent to milk ?

RE: Soy milk - what is a serving ?

My favorite brand is sweetened with raw cane sugar. Soy beans are relatively high in fat but it's a good fat, polyunsaturated, I believe. Some are defatted though. It really only needs to be fortified with calcium and Vitamin D unless you are a vegan. In which case, you'll want B-12. Fortified soymilk contains 35% of the daily value for calcium while unfortified contains 4%. :) Bobbi
RE: jillybean

Jillybean has been my nickname forever since my name is Jill B. My sister-in-law has a baby due Feb. 24 and her name is Katie too! That is so neat! Thanks for all of the great posts on soy milk. I am going to the grocery store tonight!!!!
RE: Soy milk - what is a serving ?

Hi, not all soy milks have added sweeteners. Gotta read those labels. As far as the serving, look at the label. I imagine it's pretty similar to regular milk

Hi there! Just wanted to tell you I drink skim milk everyday and just don't see how it can be bad for me.

Osteoperosis is very common, but MOST of the women I know don't drink milk. Also medications women go on when they are older contribute to bone loss, so if they are not diligent in taking calcium, it can be a real problem.

Dairy cows have one calf each year-just like animals in the wild-and believe me they are thankful to be milked! If a dairy farmer wants his cows to give milk, he'd better treat her right. Male calves are raised for meat. No one will ever convince me that God didn't put cows here for us to drink their milk and eat their meat

Milk has so many nutrients! Protein, minerals, carbs....

Also, most people who are lactose intolerant can drink goat milk. You can even give a baby goat milk.

I have to say, I've heard too many totally 100% false statements from PETA that I would take 0% stock in any thing they say.

Enjoy your milk!
>Hi there! Just wanted to
>tell you I drink skim
>milk everyday and just don't
>see how it can be
>bad for me.

I also drink skim milk every day. I have to admit that I've tried the Soy milk and it was just too thick and sweet tasting for me. I couldn't even finish the small carton I bought. It was awful. Did I purchase the wrong brand maybe? I don't even remember which brand I bought, but it sure turned me off. Give me my skim milk anytime!!! :)
I tried soy milk also, because I'm sure it is good for you. I thought it was too sweet also. I know soybean growers who market their own, so I wanted to like it, but just couldn't. My kids didn't either. I thought they would since they like sports shakes.

I'll keep my skim milk thank you.

By the way I know people who think I'm crazy because I actually do love the taste of skim. They think whole is the only way to go. Now that I won't drink!
Oh yes....

I'm with you...I LOVE the taste of skim milk! I'll drink 1% if I have to, but NOTHING over that...too thick -- and fattening, of course. :)

I also like soy, the Silk brand, but it's a bit more expensive. I also just read an article that made me think more about IS a HORMONE itself -- phytoestrogens no less. And many women give/have given it to the MALES in the house: sons, husbands, etc? Baby boys on phytoESTROGENS?? Makes me wonder.....

Hmmm..oh well. Guess we're all different in our likes and dislikes.

RE: Oh yes....

My son eats a lot of soy products and I worry about that a lot. I try to make sure he doesn't eat more than one serving a day, but it still concerns me.
Does anyone have more information about the affects of soy products on boys? I assume that many boys in eastern countries are raised on soy products and they are fine.
RE: Oh yes....

Dr. Weil answered a question about this and said they don't act like estrogen exactly and they were no problem for males. The People's Pharmacy folks seemed to think it was ok also. I wish I had a link to offer, but I don't.
RE: Oh yes....

While it's true that milk is not the health food the dairy council wants you to believe it is, it is certainly fine in moderation. I like a cup of skim milk every now and again. A cookie without milk just isn't a cookie for me. I also like soy milk. Belsoy is my foavorite. It has a little added sugar but it doesn't taste sweet. And I can't imagine life without a little cheese. The fact is there's no calcium deficiency problem in this country.

RE: Oh yes....

I heard something that stuck with me. Calcium deficiency is not the reason bones are weak, lack of exercise is. Just like you can't grow more muscle just from drinking protein shakes, you can't grow more bone just be eating calcium. You have to make your body deposit the calcium in bones by stimulating them with weight-bearing exercise.

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