I cannot believe how sore my calves are after doing the whole video last night...I can definetly tell I need some cross-training as a group fitness instructor! Besides walking & hi/lo aero, what other cardio activites have help you guys with working out the lower extremities? Is the stationary bike a good thing?
I could have made it through the whole MIC Hi/LO section, but my poor underdeveloped calves just burned at the start of the hi impact section!! Someday soon, I'll have the whole thing down!
Thanks for the suggestions,
C:\My Documents\Salt_Lake_Temple_(4).artMy Body Is My Temple
I could have made it through the whole MIC Hi/LO section, but my poor underdeveloped calves just burned at the start of the hi impact section!! Someday soon, I'll have the whole thing down!
Thanks for the suggestions,
C:\My Documents\Salt_Lake_Temple_(4).artMy Body Is My Temple