Meso 1: Should I or shouldn't I get it?


I'm thinking of getting Meso 1 but am not sure if I should.
Pros: it is an endurance workout (which I do not do often enough), they are rather short (about 1 hour I think) and I'd like to get something new (oh, that urge to buy something!.
Cons: I already have many of Cathe's workouts (GS, MM, PUB/PLB, CTX, Power hour DVD, B&G, BM2, S&H) do I really need another one? :), I have P90X which so of you many love, (if I could only get down to find the right weights for endurance!), it is rather expensive, is it that different from other ones I have?
So, any advice?
IMO, Meso 1 is different from other Cathe workouts in a very good way: it's set up like a circuit workout (like SS/PP, but more intense), which is similar to the way P90X is set up (I LOVE that kind of workout vs. one that does straight sets for one muscle group and finishes out before moving on to the next muscle group).
IMO, Meso 1 is different from other Cathe workouts in a very good way: it's set up like a circuit workout (like SS/PP, but more intense), which is similar to the way P90X is set up (I LOVE that kind of workout vs. one that does straight sets for one muscle group and finishes out before moving on to the next muscle group).

Merci beaucoup for your answer Kathryn. Then another question comes to my mind: even though it's set up like a circuit workout, do you still work the muscles hard (in 4DS biceps and triceps, I often do the triceps exercises back to back to get a harder workout since there is a limit to the weight I can use!?)

Meso 1 is my all-time favorite collection of Cathe workouts. I just started STS again, and after the first week every muscle in my body was fried. I could hardly move from head to toe!!!

No matter how many Cathe's you already own, you will not be disappointed with this purchase!
Just started Meso 1 again for the 3rd time around. I like to go back to GS series for a couple of weeks and then I start missing STS. These workouts are really thorough. Even the 3rd time around it is still tough! Love it. I was sore for three days after disc 1. Great definition with this mesocycle and excellent variety of excercises. The workouts go really fast.

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