Hi everyone. I’m having another sleepy morning. I’ve been up for a couple hours but not moving quickly. I keep blinking my eyes like I just woke up. I need to write down some more of my dreams on my dream blog. Yesterday I took a nap and dreamed I overthrew an evil king (in medieval times) to take power myself. Then last night it’s vague but I seemed to be escaping from Vatican City with the Swiss Guard and lots of Cardinals after me. Huh, not sure where these thoughts come from.
I meant to get back online this weekend but I kept busy (though part of what I was busy doing was napping). Yesterday DH and I played tennis, which was a good workout even though we both suck at it. There’s a tennis court in the park across the street, and we finally bought ourselves new cheap tennis rackets so we can play. Neither of us had played in years.
Anyway, I was going to run some errands today (want more socks and a couple more sports bras for the RT) but the boys were reluctant to leave the house (they’re such little homebodies), so I decided to wait. I have a doctor’s apptmnt tomorrow and will likely have to go to Target for my prescription afterwards, anyway. Yay, Target run!
So now I’m trying to get up the energy and motivation for today’s planned workout: Boot Camp. Yikes. I’ve never done it but I’m askeered. I hate BC workouts in general, but feel I need some practice pre-RT.
Deb, I had that issue with KB workouts—banging into my HRM watch.
I also bought myself some little wrist sweatbands to soften the blows.
Peggie, now with all the KB talk I’m considering a KB workout instead of BC. Hmm….
Shelley, I was up bright and early without having to be, too. In my case, it’s just that the kids were so loud in their room (well, Ewan was—he takes after my high volume family more than I do).
Shannon, I’m so happy you got your car and it’s so great! There’s nothing like a new car and it’s new car smell! It’ll probably be forever until I get another new car, though, since I’ve put less than 7,000 miles on mine in almost 2 years
OK, hope to BBL.
Anyone have advice on my workout today? Kettlebells or the original Boot Camp?