Merry Christmas!!!

I'm there with ya! Today we had snow flurries in central Ohio so when I got to my office I pulled out my "Charlie Brown's Christmas" CD. I got a few funny comments from my co-workers but that's okay. :D
I just got my Christmas shopping done about an hour ago!! I am so glad it is over. I hate waiting and being in the stores with tons of people all fighting over the gifts. I like to take my time and get everything without all the people! I did shopping for my two kids, my step-daughter, and my nephew. I am not buying for anyone else. I say, if you are an adult, you can just go out and get what you want instead of trying to get someone to buy it for you and then you buy them what they wanted. Easier to get it yourself. But to answer your question, I love this time of year!!!
I love Christmas and love the decorations but have no patience for puting them up in my OWN house so they are usually pretty minimal...

One thing I can't stand though is hearing Christmas music before makes me crazy! :p
I love Christmas!

I start looking forward to it in September. And in October I celebrate the onset of the 4th quarter of the year - my fave.

On November 1st, I am officially allowed to start listening to Christmas music. So, last Thursday I woke up, put on my Christmas socks, lit my Yankee Mistletoe Candle, and cranked up the Mannheim Steamroller. I work at home so I can sing along to Bing Crosby and Carpenters all day long and not annoy my husband.

Traditionally, we put up all of our Christmas decorations right before Thanksgiving. It's a lot of work and I feel we deserve to enjoy it for more than a couple of weeks. Plus, we always have out-of-town family and friends in for the Thanksgiving feast and it is the only time they get to see our home decked out for the season. For various reasons, this year we may put it off until the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

My favorite Christmas movies are National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Elf.
Hell, Shelley, I laughed out loud the minute I read your e-mail! Oh, and Teddy gets an eye for xmas, doesn't he?
I love Mr. Bean!! There is actually a Mr. Bean Christmas? When did I miss that one? Oh boy, oh boy!:7

My DH is a nonpracticing Jew, I am not Jewish, but "observe" his holidays for him with lots of homemade matzo ball soup and brisket:9 I love that we can celebrate two holidays at once, I love to decorate-I am a definite "theme" kind of gal.

I put up a tree the day after Thanksgiving to get over the depression of it being the day after Thanksgiving(my favorite holiday!)plus, it gets me out of my turkey/gravy/sweet potato induced stupor.

So no, you are not crazy. Christmas can make us feel like little kids again, and then on the other hand it can make some of us-myself included kinda weepy for some reason. Its a strange holiday, Christmas.

Shelley-you are a hoot and a half! How's that PMS treatin' ya? }(

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