Merry Christmas everyone from Syd/Australia


Since we from Sydney Australia are so ahead from you gals and guys, Ill be stuffing my face with turkey and cranberry waaaaaaay before you.... Nah Nah Nah - and then of course 'working it off" way before you...... Boo hoo

(unless someone from New Zealand chims in - they are 3 hours ahead of Australia )

soooooooo have the BEST DAY EVER on the 25th, keep safe, especially if you are travelling, drink lots, eat lots, and ENJOY all Santa brings.

Ho Ho Ho

Have a good one Marion! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! It sounds like I'll be working out while your stuffing! How many hours are you ahead of us anyway? I'm in the Pacific Time Zone.

Merry Christmas, Marion! Isn't it Summer down under? I've always thought that odd since so many of the Christmas symbols here in the states are Winter oriented.

Hope you have a great holiday and post-holiday workout!

Merry Christmas to you too Marion and all on the Cathe forum.. especially Cathe!
I am in Sydney.. I don't mind if it's hot tomorrow just as long as it stops raining! (although they predicted hail earlier today so we got off lucky)
Santa's is heading out across the Atlantic I have learned through the NORAD tracker. So what did he get you, Marion? Hope you are making merry!
Bobbi "Santa's rules!"

And just for fun:

Charles Dickens has probably had more influence on the way that we celebrate Christmas today than any single individual in human history except one.

At the beginning of the Victorian period the celebration of Christmas was in decline. The medieval Christmas traditions, which combined the celebration of the birth of Christ with the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia (a pagan celebration for the Roman god of agriculture), and the Germanic winter festival of Yule, had come under intense scrutiny by the Puritans under Oliver Cromwell. The Industrial Revolution, in full swing in Dickens' time, allowed workers little time for the celebration of Christmas.

The romantic revival of Christmas traditions that occurred in Victorian times had other contributors: Prince Albert brought the German custom of decorating the Christmas tree to England, the singing of Christmas carols (which had all but disappeared at the turn Victoria and Albert decorate the Christmas Tree of the century) began to thrive again, and the first Christmas card appeared in the 1840s. But it was the Christmas stories of Dickens, particularly his 1843 masterpiece A Christmas Carol, that rekindled the joy of Christmas in Britain and America. Today, after more than 160 years, A Christmas Carol continues to be relevant, sending a message that cuts through the materialistic trappings of the season and gets to the heart and soul of the holidays.

Dickens' describes the holidays as "a good time: a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time I know of in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of other people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys". This was what Dickens described for the rest of his life as the "Carol Philosophy".

Dickens' name had become so synonymous with Christmas that on hearing of his death in 1870 a little costermonger's girl in London asked, "Mr. Dickens dead? Then will Father Christmas die too?"
Thanks for the Xmas wishes everyone

Bobbie thats "cute" Makes me wish my teens were little again. (sigh)
Opps! better not get "too" maternal otherwise my DH will get very worried.

Christmas weather was warm and windy - hardly the normal Australian "hot hot" weather, so Im sure alot of tourists were disappointed, but for us Aussies it was a great relief.

Im trying to avoid the post Xmas workout as long as possible - GOD! I ate too much - DONT MENTION TURKEY TODAY........


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