Hi Janie,
Thanks for the response. I guess what bothers me the most is the lack of information that I have except when I do go on-line. I did talk to my Dr. and he said that I just need to deal with it. It is the not knowing and not liking what I am feeling. One minute I am fine, next minute I am madder the hell. It's the feeling of not being in control of my body and not feeling like myself. I have talked to my sisters and each have been helpful some what. My mother is gone, but never went through Menopause. It's a daily thing that I am trying to deal with and keep peace here at home.
I do know that I do feel better when I work-out everyday and get that release. I just look in the mirror at times and really hate what I see. I know that I will never have the perfect body or have the abs of a young girl either. I just know that I need to keep the interest there and keep wanting to feel better. Part of the problem is my work schedule and how draining it can be. It's the early hours and the constant drain of the spirit. Sounds like a horrable job, I know, but right now, besides sounding like I am making excuses I guess it's that I am not happy.
Thanks for the suggestions. I really appreciate that someone cares and knows what I going through.
I workout with Cathes videos mostly stepping which I have always loved doing. I do mix it up with others, but stepping has been what I liked and seem to do well. Plus I actually feel like I got a workout after doing this. Yoga is from time to time okay, but I am not real wild about it. I do get tired of doing the same thing all the time too so I have to mix it up.
Anyway, again I appreciate the reply. Just felt down when I wrote the first time.