Almost postmenopausal (fingers crossed here)
Hi all,
OK, it's been over a year since my last period. YaHoo! It feels like I've been through the mill with irregular periods, heavy, heavy, l o n g periods, an endometrial biopsy, intermittent progesterone therapy plus 3 months of HRT when I got really, really desperate. I tried to stay away from HRT due to my family history of breast cancer but in desperation tried a 3 month trial last summer. The insomnia & horrible moods pushed me over the edge. I felt better mentally & the insomnia improved but I bled 60 out of the 90 days, so good bye PremPro. I believe exercise has kept me sane & my hubby alive by improving my mood & attitude. Hot flashes are really hard to describe; an internal power surge maybe? During the day no problem, but at night they wake me & some nights (used to be most nights) I can't go back to sleep. It's the magic 3:30am power surge that is the bain of my existence.
Healthy eating, exercise & avoidance of caffeine are to me the most important factors for surviving menopause. The brain fog seems to be getting better or maybe I'm just getting used to the forgetfulness & am becoming more patient in waiting for that hidden word to reveal itself. All that blood surging to my brain due to exercise is a big help too.
As for weight gain, I headed into this menopause time heavier than I've ever been in a non-pregnant state. Haven't gained anymore but the excess weight sure seems harder to lose. My pear shape has changed so I'm now a gal with a butt & gut, (which I never had a problem with even after having 4 children) but the weight seems to be leaving my thighs ever so slowly. Overeat at one meal & those excess calories appear on my gut!
Bottom line: become an informed woman in all matters concerning menopause, try to eat a healthy well balanced diet & keep exercising! This too shall pass.