Menopause and Fitness

Julie - late post and a question

Hope you see this since it's rather late but I found your post very informative and interesting. My family has a strong history of breast cancer and my question pertains to your mention of "estrogen responsive breast cancer". What exactly is that? I'm wondering what the "estrogen responsive" means; i.e. are there different "kinds" of breast cancer?

Thanks for any info!!

breast cancer

Now, I'm definitely not an expert-if I were you I'd speak with your relatives or their oncologists about their breast cancers. Estrogen responsive in a nutshell means that the tumor responds to the estrogen, ie it grows/spreads more quickly in the presence of extra estrogen. By the same token, having more estrogen related exposures (early menarche, late menopause, no kids, and not ovulating) are all related to an increased risk of endometrial's kinda crazy how our own hormones can make one seriously ill. Also, a breast cancer related to certain genes in one relative may mean that you could be tested to determine if you carry the same gene, this is an issue that is being hotly debated as in our current health care world (HMO, etc), would knowing that you carry the increased risk due to a gene mean that some insurances may not want to deal with you? Big ethical issues are being examined every day surrounding the area of gene therapy and identification.
Once again...I'm definitely not an oncologist, cancer research and treatment is rapidly evolving every minute! So, if there's a strong history of breast cancer and you're of the age were you are considering HRT, talk with your health care provider, your relatives, &/or their oncologist. (sorry so long winded AGAIN...legs are numb, can't move...just walked and jogged for 4 hours after work for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life...what a timely subject
take care
Thanks Julie!

Yes, I've talked to my ObGyn concerning the family history and he is aware of my concerns. I'd never heard that particular term before and was curious as to it's meaning. Thanks for your answer and explanation.

Congrats on your Relay for Life for the Cancer Society!! This weekend is the Tennis Shoe Ball to Benefit the Am. Cancer Society in our city. It's just too funny to see everyone in gowns and tuxes with tennis shoes on!! LOL!
Lots of fun and all to benefit a great cause!!

Thanks again,

...that sounds like a lot of fun!!! I've never heard of such an event...anything to benefit such a worthy cause!
interesting thread!

I am 48. the soy approach, primrose oil has worked so far. lots of breast cancer in my family, so I am resisting HRT as much as possible. so far, so good. thanks everyone for the different perspectives.
Good Thinking

I am approaching menopause ( actually aren't we all). I have no history of breast cancer but believe that your approach is the way to go. Good luck.

My bloodwork came back with an elevated FSH, so my gyn suggested Premphase. Thus far I LOVE it! My boggy mind is clearing and my energy is returning. And NO MORE HOT FLASHES!
Almost postmenopausal (fingers crossed here)

Hi all,
OK, it's been over a year since my last period. YaHoo! It feels like I've been through the mill with irregular periods, heavy, heavy, l o n g periods, an endometrial biopsy, intermittent progesterone therapy plus 3 months of HRT when I got really, really desperate. I tried to stay away from HRT due to my family history of breast cancer but in desperation tried a 3 month trial last summer. The insomnia & horrible moods pushed me over the edge. I felt better mentally & the insomnia improved but I bled 60 out of the 90 days, so good bye PremPro. I believe exercise has kept me sane & my hubby alive by improving my mood & attitude. Hot flashes are really hard to describe; an internal power surge maybe? During the day no problem, but at night they wake me & some nights (used to be most nights) I can't go back to sleep. It's the magic 3:30am power surge that is the bain of my existence.

Healthy eating, exercise & avoidance of caffeine are to me the most important factors for surviving menopause. The brain fog seems to be getting better or maybe I'm just getting used to the forgetfulness & am becoming more patient in waiting for that hidden word to reveal itself. All that blood surging to my brain due to exercise is a big help too.

As for weight gain, I headed into this menopause time heavier than I've ever been in a non-pregnant state. Haven't gained anymore but the excess weight sure seems harder to lose. My pear shape has changed so I'm now a gal with a butt & gut, (which I never had a problem with even after having 4 children) but the weight seems to be leaving my thighs ever so slowly. Overeat at one meal & those excess calories appear on my gut!

Bottom line: become an informed woman in all matters concerning menopause, try to eat a healthy well balanced diet & keep exercising! This too shall pass.

Hi Amy,

Have been reading this post with great sympathy - there is so much information out there, it is difficult to know what to do in terms of efficacy and safety. I feel for you, but so glad to hear that you're getting some relief!

Keep us posted.
Weight Gain at Menopause

Gosh, I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I used to be able to maintain my weight and figure with minimal effort -- now it's a continual fight to even stay modestly slim --

My best friend and I have both noticed our figures changing -- ten years ago I wore a size 6 and she a 3. She weighed 95 pounds soaking wet -- HELLO menopause and last night she said she needed a tummy tuck

Here's the plus though -- a little extra weight DOES soften the lines on the face and that I LOVE. Remember how very badly Audrey Hepburn aged? By the time she was 40 she looked like a prune -- mostly because she smoked like a chimney and was so thin.
Progesterone therapy?

Was the progesterone therapy oral or topical, natural or synthetic? The progesterone that helped me was topical and natural. Thanks

It was oral pill therapy, probably synthetic. It was prescribed to help build the uterine lining so the lining could shed properly & completely. This was in the midst of heavy irregular bleeding. So, did it work? Well, it may have helped for a cycle, but then it was back to bleed, bleed, bleed. Yuck, I'm glad that's over.
we're all in this together

and yet each person is on her own. I love discusions like this and read everything I can get my hands on-because I truly believe that doctors are as confused as the rest of the population and are reading just the same things as we are. I beilieve in taking control of your life and instructing your doctor as to what your preferred options are.

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