Men, what is your favorite Cathe workout?


Active Member
I am trying to encourage my hubby to workout at home with me. I'm new to Cathe but have a feeling my hubby might like her workouts. He is in late 30's, lean with nice muscle definition. He has not worked with weight for years but I know he wants to gain strength/size and endurance. I don't think he would like the step workouts (two left feet...LOL!) but maybe some strength work and running?
Let me know what Cathe workouts work for you. I would love to be able to recommend something to him.
Ok - I'm not a guy, but my former SO likes all of the gym style workouts, Power Hour, Muscle Endurance and Bootcamp (I recommend Bootcamp as a starter video since it includes guys as part of the "crew").

I personally would recommend the Pyramids, Powerhour, MIS and the Pure Strength Series for strength and endurance. Also consider the Slow and Heavy series but be warned that it is a killer but will probably be the most effective in building size! He could also use Bootcamp but is more carido and less weight intensive. He could also try some of Cathe's Kickbox workouts since in my opinion they don't require a great deal or coordination. Hope this helps.
Hi Val
I am a 41 yr old male diehard Cathe fan.My favourite strength workout is Gym Style-Chest & triceps.It is the most intense strength workout in my opinion.The pushup works all areas not only the chest.I highly recommend Slow Heavy series,Pure Strength,Power Hour,MIS,The Pyramids & I also like PP & Supersets.Lets not forget MM.The professionals do say start with a full body workout such as MM or MIS and once you become more in shape you should then isolate the body parts and do 2 per day or upper one day & then lower.I am a firm believer in doing what feels right for you & what you enjoy.I mix all the time for instance I was short on time this morning so I did Quick fix Stability ball workout (great little workout)with heavy weights followed by the push up section of Gym Stle Chest / triceps.I will run after work.I also recommend the kickbox videos.they are fun & easy to learn.
Take Care
Great posts guys! Thanks so much! I have bought the slow and heavy series as well as few others mentioned. I will also check out P90X.
So glad to see some male posts, keep it up guys!
:) Val

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