Men and aerobics..male perspective


I just don't get the fact that the stigma still exists about aerobic exercise. Home workouts have gotten me into the best shape of my life. I really enjoy the fact that I can hop out of bed, put on the workout clothes, and get to work. I believe that it requires a stronger commitment when you pop a tape in because you don't have that friend behind you to push you.

I used to try to get male friends of mine to try exercise classes, but have since given up, it's like banging my head into a wall, and it hurts after a while.

I think one of the major reasons the majority of home exercisers will be females is simply because it's much easier for the stay at home mom to work out at home, and stay at home mom's will always out number dads.

If there are guys out there that think they can't get a great workout at home...all they need to do is log on to this website, and check Cathe's amazing resume. These workouts are anything but easy.

As for me, I kind of enjoy being in the minority..the token male in some cases, it's never bothered me, it's actually kind of fun at times.

Although you'll never have to worry about me posting in any thread about uncomfortable bra sizes...:7
I would love Cathe to kick my SO's butt every now and again....

He swears up and down that DVD workouts are for girls. I would pay big bucks to see him even ATTEMPT Bootcamp or KPC.
It seems like some men think that cardio is for wimps (I've even seen that quote), and perhaps most men don't like 'dancy' choreo. Some of the moves in home workouts don't seem to be presented with male exercisers in mind.
my husband ***used*** to tease me about dvd workouts, until I set him up with cathe's Bootcamp DVD. He now wont go near my workout space because he could barely move for a few days!! }(
I've certainly heard the cardio for wimps line many a time, I absolutely LOVE cardio work, I love the challenge of it!! What I found tedious and boring was weight lifting...sure, I did it, and could lift a decent amount of weight, but never enjoyed it.

I am male. I can't speak for all males but these are some of my turn offs about aerobic classes.

1.) Dressing up to exercise. I'm not out to make a fashion statement. I'm happily married and not looking to meet anyone. If I go to a gym its to sweat. I do not care how I look. If I work out at home I can wear my boxers or even "commando" if no one is home.

2.) Before Billy Blanks and TaeBo, the only male instructor of note was Richard Simmons. Not exactly a "man's man" if you know what I mean. His commercials probably turned many men off of aerobics.

3.) Over choreographed moves. I used to run long distance, one foot in front of another. I could meditate while running. The only time I "danced" was in a ring or in a dojo, I wasn't worried about mambo step or a grapevine or if I was in step with the music, I moved to hit or keep from being hit.

I use step exercise to augment my training, there are some days the weather is just too bad to ride the bike. There are some great instructors out there, Cathe, the best I've discovered. I wish there some more low impact options, having a healthy heart doesn't have to destroy your joints. I've had one hip replaced and I'll have to have the other done in a year or so.

My opinions I realize, your mileage may vary.
Agree with everything you posted, Dave.

Billy Blanks made me realize it was ok for guys to work out at home, despite Richard Simmons' best efforts to keep us at the gym (and away from his videos).

Kickboxing, at least for me, doesn't have too much complicated choreography, which is one of the reasons I really enjoy it, along with its numerous physical and mental benefits.

Some gyms are just as you described, a place to hang and look good doing so. Like you, I'm happily married, and there to impress no one, but to get the work done I need to.

To be honest, my DH is afraid of Cathe! He's afraid of falling off the step or it being too hard. This is a man who rides his bike and either walks or runs several times a week. Who knows maybe one day!
Afraid of Cathe??? She looks so friendly on the homepage!!! I'm beginning to wonder what I may have gotten myself into!!

Thia is a GREAT topic--my husband has been working out for years, and used to make fun of me doing my so called "Jane Fonda" workouts--little did he know what Cathe is all about--last week on his off day, he said he'd work out with me--so I decided to do an easy one "Cardio and Weights"--I did the step part while he was on the elliptical, and we would do the weights together--well, needless to say, he didn't finish--and stared at me amazed--he said we have to go to Jersey (he is from there) and meet her--he wants to give her a hug!!!!
50 is fine when you look 39!!!!!:)
How hubby won't work out with me. He doesn't want me to make him look bad! He did try to pinch my butt one time while I was doing a high/low punch in a Tae Bo video and he got punched in the arm...much harder than he expected. And he knows I've built some muscle from working out with Cathe because one day he picked me up and said "you are A LOT heavier than you look!"
Why do husbands get a big charge out of pinching our butts??? I feel so fat when he does that!!!! Especially when we work out as hard as we do, try to eat clean, and look our best--I hate it!!!!
50 is fine when you look 39!!!!!:eek:
My husband loves the pyramids - he also totally prefers the Cathe strength workouts to P90X. I'm sure watching pretty girls while he works out is not killing him ;)
He feels the same way though, he sometimes gets teased at my family dinners by two of my brothers - but he is in great shape and they are always "gonna" get in great shape as soon as they start going to the gym - ya know what I mean...
I can't answer directly for your DH. I believe the pinch or pat is an affectionate way of telling you that your "butt" is looking good.

Answering this message just stuck a song in my head, it'll take all day to get rid of it now.... Eminem's "A** like that"

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