Memorable lines said by an instructor

I always laugh in IMAX2 in the second step section when she says "if you're tired, you can ground these". I always think, if you're tired at this point, you're in trouble! :D
The warrior is from either Afterburn or Athletic Training (I think), and I want to say that Who's boss? is from Intensity...I could be wrong, but I think that's right. Now I'm going to have to run up and put the DVDs in to make sure!:eek:

"Who's Boss?" is from Afterburn. I crack up everytime she says it....mainly because I know who's boss.
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I love it when Cathe tells you in Imax3 that she is not talking much becasue she is out of breath (I think that's what she says) just makes me feel so much better.

PUB - during the bicep curls when she says that she is "having an out of body experience" (aren't we all at that moment?)

In intensity, when she tell you that the squat thrust with punches are a gift, after the 16 plie jumps....extremely grateful for the gift.
I love it when in CCC (I think it's CCC, if not HiiT DWP) Cathe pauses to take a water break after some air jacks (?) and after a few seconds pf complete silence says a definitive "You're welcome!" Cracks me up every time, because every time she takes that water break I always say or think "oh thank you.". She knows me so well. :)
"Last Set" and "Now let's enjoy a nice relaxing stretch, you earned it!"

Both are from TurboBarre, but I recognize those from most of Cathe's workout :p

"Ten minutes isn't a workout, ten minutes is a warm-up" Bob Harper (with his sweet southern accent)

I just remembered another one - from Slow and Heavy - triceps dips - "my arms are shakin' like a chihuahua!" That cracks me up every time.
Cathe cracks me up sometimes, too - a couple recent examples is when she says "or you'll wind up in your kitchen"... and "pretend that you're lovin' this and give me a big smile." Another one is "they've been practicin!"

So many lines in so many workouts - Cathe is so motivating!
Cathe cracks me up sometimes, too - a couple recent examples is when she says "or you'll wind up in your kitchen"... and "pretend that you're lovin' this and give me a big smile." Another one is "they've been practicin!"

So many lines in so many workouts - Cathe is so motivating!

I did that one the other day,and I wasn't in the kitchen but pretty darn close...Made me laugh too.

Some of the Denise Austin's older workouts had what she deemed as "Funkaerobics". I used to dread when she would say "Now let's get funky" because it usually meant that we were about do what honestly looked like a weird version of the chicken dance throughout the living room. I used to think...if she looks that funny doing it I can only imagine what I look like!
"Anybody can quit.... don't be an anybody!" Kelly Coffee Meyers, not sure which DVD, possibly Powersculpt.
From Afterburn, "I'm so proud of you." Makes me feel so good, knowing Cathe is proud of ME for getting all the way through that workout. :D She says this in other workouts, too, not just Afterburn. She often says it to her crew as well.

Also from Afterburn, when she is explaining how to do a move and also when she is switching which hand holds the bicep really quickly she says, and I'm paraphrasing here, "don't forget to add those reps on at the end" and then says, "promise me you will." :) Cathe's making sure I don't cheat! Glad someone is checking up on me!
Just did Cardio Core Circuit for the first time tonight & wow. In one of the earlier exercises Cathe describes the motion as picking apples. Then, about half-way through, she asks, "How many apples are we pickin'?!" 36. (I counted.)
dmauden - I know, that cracked me up when Cathe said that. I didn't ever bother to count, I was too busy picking apples!
BTW, are those greyhounds in your pic? We have 3 - they are sweet dogs!

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