Hi everyone. Tons of snow this morning and it's still falling. DH decided to work from home today. Right now he's on a call in the attic and I'm keeping the boys entertained downstairs.
All I have planned that I really need to do today is to mail a couple DVDs I sold on Amazon, so I need to tromp through the snow later to the post office--luckily only a couple blocks away.
Yesterday I did BM2 upper body and abs. Then I did a premix from Amy Bento's ASCII (can't stop doing that one) on my MatStep. Wish I could really step!
Today I am supposed to do kickboxing--have to see how my knees take it.
Last night, I had some of my freaky dreams. Here's a synopsis of the wackiest in one sentence: Before the killer guy (dressed in blue) turns into a weird blue monster alien and spins off into space, I have him pinned down and say "Two days ago, my mother died. Yesterday the world ended and I gave birth. Do you think I don't know about real pain?" For some reason I end up talking like a poorly-written action hero in my dreams.
Shelley, hope you have an excellent day today. I think all your snow migrated to NY.
Deb, maybe you just really needed that lie-in this morning! I have the BFL book (from the library since I can't buy anything right now because of Lent). I figure if I keep it up I can buy my own copy after Easter. I have also been surfing the website a lot.
Leanne, well, my only responsibility, really, is to my kids, so maybe my dreams are telling me I feel I'm failing them in some way. I don't necessarily feel that when I'm awake, though. Last night's dreams didn't seem to be anything like the other ones, though.
Shannon, yeah, I was thinking about using LIC and LM for the HIIT. It's probably the best I can do until I get a bike (darn cheap DH). The good thing is that BFL doesn't make you do a very long cardio workout and you don't have to do it every day, so that may help the knees anyway.
Tneah, I never watch The View or any other daytime television, really, though I am perhaps the target audience (stay-at-home Mom and all). I'm always too busy attempting to be productive (or attempting to avoid productivity--but I avoid it in ways other than The View).
Robin, I've considered the gym with a daycare thing, but 1) still costs money which DH wouldn't like and 2) the closest option is the YMCA which doesn't have great times for the daycare (it's not all the time but just certain hours in the week). Shame on you for posting the pie pic, though it did look so lovely and yummy. *sigh*
OK, hello to all who follow. Must go make more coffee. It's imperative to my mental health.
[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:
http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif
If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]