Hey All
Deb, that itrain sounds like fun, although since I cannot run or even jog really (when I do, I pay for it) I like to do the hills. I did the itrain tush-45 minutes the other day and really had fun with it, might do that one again this morning. I agree, your bunnies are probably still there, they do have a garden of eden to live in, why would they move?:7
Robin, boy, you are a smart packer! I am a horrid one, I have problems with "clothing commitments" I think. Your trip sounds just wonderful, being outside and just letting it all sink in and renew you.
Shelley, Boy, alot of us are having the munchies this week. I swear, its driving me nutso. Like Leanne said, maybe you just need to rest this week, I know when I am overtired I reach for sweets and crappy food to try and get my energy levels high again. Its frustrating, but most assuredly, you my dear are not even close to whale-like proportions.
Jennifer, I too would like to know whats up with the phone call?
Leanne, those jury folks need to make up their minds today and get this over with for crying out loud. Don't they want to finish it up so they can enjoy the summer? You poor thing.
Kara, painting your kitchen? What color? It actually sounds like fun.I used to work for a painting company, we painted apartment buildings, insides of houses, etc,,,I did the masking and the guys made me carry the large buckets of paint. It was the most tiring job I have ever done.
Shannon, I think Shelley sent me that CC, might have to try that one this morning instead of itrain, so I might be suffering along with you.
Hi to Lainie!
I am going to call a "real" doctor about my thyroid stuff today. I felt great taking the lower dose, so that is what I took this morning, but really need a good doctor to take a look at what is going on here. I feel tired again this morning, but need to do some cardio and have legs this afternoon or tonight.
DH may be coming home tonight, I hope so, Georgie goes into protective mode when he is away and keeps me up at night barking at everything.
I just remembered that today is actually a rest day for me. Wow, I have been working out since last Thursday...I just feel guilty taking a rest day when I have been eating so badly ya know?