I'm back!
Did ya miss me?
No time for fancy smileys. I gotta work out. I've missed two days so far this week so I'm doubling up today. The Boy and I are going out tonight after his baseball game. He's so freakin' cute I can barely stand it. I love boys.
hehe OMG, I totally sound like a 12 year old girl....
So I got out of work early. YAY! But I just got home.
Boo. My brother's girlfriend is my sister's Nanny. She watches all four of my nieces during the day (only during the summer). Her Grandmother is minutes away from dying today
so as soon as I got out of work she called and asked me to come stay with the kids so she could go see her Grandmother. No problem, right? Wrong. It took me an hour to get there with the nasty traffic and then all four of my nieces decided to be wretched brats this afternoon and throw temper tantrum after temper tantrum. x( They're 6, 5, 3, and 22 months. I'm exhausted now. Great birth control though.
So I can't believe I have a social life again! This is so awesome! Massive drama is still occurring with my family but whatever. I'm so tired of it. I have decided to just try and focus on me right now. Plus, tonight I don't have class! YAY! This is the first Thursday I've had off since February. It's so nice!
Kara--nice to see you! Come back soon!
Robin--your dinner sounds so scrumptious. I'll be over in half an hour
Shelley--my sister's on her way back from Canada right now. The whole time she was there I was thinking of you. Dang, I'd LOVE to visit Canada. I've never been there. Although I did get lost trying to drive to New Hampshire a couple years ago and ended up at the Canadian border. Don't even ask. Tell Chris I'll be visiting soon for a massage.
Shannon--you and your Cardio Coach. You kill me! I still haven't done vol. 8 all the way through. I should do that this weekend. Tomorrow I'm going to try vol. 4 for the first time!
Lainie--yay for the patio being done! How exciting! I hope your party tomorrow goes smashingly. (Is that a word?)
Breckgirl--I'm so glad your mammo came back fine! Phew. What a relief. MMmmmmmmm....ice cream. :9
Peggie--I know how you feel being so tired. I never sleep much. Like Shelley I fall asleep literally the second I close my eyes but staying asleep is a whole 'nother issue. I wake up probably 30 times during the night. According to a sleep study I had done a year ago (where you stay over at a hospital and they hook you up to millions of wires and monitor your sleep) I never have a REM cycle. Yuck. *yawns*
Tneah--wow, nice workout, girlie! For some reason it feels weird that you're on the boat and not at home. I feel like things are out of sort. I'm crazy like that....
Great idea to get a bike! You'll love it. My exSO has a 40 foot Viking and we spent almost the entire summer on it last year. We bought bikes and everything and it made getting around so much easier. I can't imagine staying on an 80 foot boat. Holy luxury.
Hmmmm...that's all I have for now. I spent way too much time on this post than I wanted to. But I wanted to show some love. Love you all and hope you have a wonderful, wonderful holiday (those of us in the States) and a fabulous weekend for all you crazy Canadians.
I may be back later but I'm not sure. Depends how long it takes me to get through this workout! haha
Peace out!