Mel's Complete Weight loss Rotation update Jan 21st


Who wants to loose weight and inches and fun? Come join us!

Are you ready for one more week of intense work? Yeah! This week I shed 4.5 inches and 2 pounds. I'm 3 pounds away from this months goal, and I ALREADY FIT INTO MY CLOTHES!!! I'm so excited. There was only one pair that didn't fit yet (and they were always snug).

This is what I plan to do this week:

Sun: High Step Challenge + Ab Condning
Mon: Kickboxing 60 minutes + Core Max 3
Tue: Leg & Glutes + CTX AlL Step cardio + Ab conditioning
Wed: PUB + CTX Step & intervals cardio only
Thurs: Step Blast + Core Max 1
Fri: Hardcore Extreme 2
Sat: Step 60 minutes + Ab Conditioning

3 more pounds & 3.5 inches to go. I can do it!!!

~~Sunny. Great week. What are your stats? I bet your doing real well? Have you done Turbo Jam yet? Any luck with childcare?

~~Allison. How are your stats? Any late night workouts this week? How late do you go?

25lbs lost 8lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

2 lbs. 4.5 inches! That was so awesome and inspiring. My stats check in day isn't for a few days, but I will let you know. I haven't planned my weekly rotation because with work being so crazy, it's safer for me to go one day at a time and just do whatever workout I feel like doing. If I planned and didnt't feel up to it, I might NOT workout at all. Having said that, I finished IMAX3 at 10:53 last night. I treated myself to some popcorn too.

However, my stomach is feeling "softer" nothing is stretching. Am I making any sense? It's a good feeling, trust me.

Anyway, as soon as hubby gets upstairs for his workout I'll be heading down and will do some Low Max. Tomorrow, I hope to go running and then maybe get in a weight workout (finally) later in the day. I have yet to High Step Challenge, but I'm thinking more PUB or Muscle Max. Thoughts anyone? Let me know.

Have a great week, Mel.
Sunny, I hope everything is going smoothly. Can't wait to hear your progress.

22 lbs. lost, 10 lbs. to prepregnancy weight, 10 lbs. after that
Good Morning ladies,

Melanie- I continue to be impressed by your progress-CONGRATULATIONS!
Allison-I am also impressed with your dedication in working out late at night. ( i couldn't do it)

This weeks line up for me :
Monday-Treadmill (45min)/Coremax
Tuesday-legs & Glutes/20 min Turbo Jam
Wednesday-CTX upperbody/30 min elliptical
Thursday-Lomax/Turbo Jam Ab sculpt
Friday- OFF (stretchmax)

Mel-do you take a day off during the week? I haven't had a chance to try any of my turbo jam videos but as you can see i have incorporated a couple in for this week's rotation.

last week i lost 2.5 lbs!!! i haven't measured myself again as i am only going to do that at the beginning of each month.

As far as childcare, i haven't been looking. I turned the position down:( . I will most likely wait until elijah starts kindergarten in aug. to start looking for work. That way we are only paying for one child. Right now we pay for elijah to attend a private pre-school.

Alright ladies, let's get ready for another great week...WE CAN DO IT!!
Hi Gals!

Just got back from a 45 minute run. Hoping for some weight workout tonight - either HSC or PUB - not sure yet. I'll check in again later. Now my house needs a good bath!

A little change of plans, DH is painting living room ceiling where I normally I had to use the family room which only has VHS player. So, I did Tae Bo Advanced #3 + Ab Conditioning, I will do Turbo Jam Cardio or HSC later this PM.

25lbs lost 8lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Sunny and Melanie!

Well, both hubby and my six year old both had snow days today so I actually finished my workout at (GASP) 7:30 A.M. I did Pyramid Upper Body and the first five intervals of IMAX2. I only lost 1/2 a pound this week - not enought to change my stats. No idea how that happened - although I haven't been consistent on the days I weight in. I did, however, lose two inches so it's not that bad. Plus, I feel good.

Have a great day everyone.


22 lbs. lost, 10 lbs. to prepregnancy weight, 10 lbs. after that
I'm so happy for us! We're losing weight, inches & having fun! Yea! Today I did HSC + TJ Cardio Party 2 + Ab Conditioning.

Tomorrow we're going on a road trip, I might not be able to workout. :( I"m going to try to do PLB or another lower body workout. I couldn't find Legs and Glutes DVD. Which series is that on?

25lbs lost 8lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
lol, yes we are!!

today i did 60 mins on treadmill and cardio & abs grom timesaver # 3. i had to make up for a piece of my neice & nephew's bday cake:9
hopefully i worked it off.

i am doing legs & glutes tomorrow however i only have the tape so not sure which dvd it's on, sorry.

have fun on your road trip, melanie.
Hi Girls!

Legs and Glutes is from the Body Blast Series and it's on the same DVD as Kick Punch, and Crunch.

Speaking of that series, I did Step Blast this morning since the baby was up at 5:30! Can you believe it, 2 morning workouts in a row! I've got to be PMSing however. If I have one piece of granola (homemade of course), I'll eat a lot more. My concentration today is on my water intake. I really need to up it for healthiness and to keep from pigging out.

Anyway, have a great day. Legs and Glute - OUCH! I bow to you on that one Sunny!


22 lbs. lost, 10 lbs. to prepregnancy weight, 10 more after that
Allison- LOL, i hate legs and glutes because it works the legs so hard. which of course is the area of my body that needs the most work.
i know what you mean about pmsing..i definitely am this week and the goodies are so hard to resist. i am so proud of myself, i took an extra piece of cake home from my sister's house planning to eat it today and i wound up just throwing it in the garbage!! gotta get rid of that temptation...}(

thank goodness i am all done working out for the day!

how are you ladies doing?
Hey ladies! You two have more control than me! Today I ate a Whopper w/cheese value meal. Okay, to my defense...I ate 3/4 of the burger 2/3 onion rings, 1/3 Coke. Shame on me!!!!

I did pump out Legs and Glutes. Too much strength work...the video really did bore me (sorry Cathe). I can't wait to get some cardio in. I'm pretty beat from my "road trip". We took the youngest kids and drove 2 hrs away to test drive a new vehicle. Aren't we crazy?!?!? I'm looking forward to ordering this vehicle up so we can be done with it. :)

Tomorrow the youngest have their 2 yr & 2 mo checkups. They both get shots. :( I'm planning on having their pictures done at Penney's afterwards...we'll see how it goes. See? I really am crazy! I probably won't get two workouts in. I'll start w/ Step & Intervals and plug PUB in if possible.

25lbs lost 8lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
ha, so much for control i had wendy's today for lunch:-( ..i guess today was my cheat meal.

i did the elliptical this am for 35 mins plus abs. this afternoon i did ctx upperbody..whew what a upperbody workout!!

right now i am previewing tj cardioparty 1 and am so excited i am going to do that workout tomorrow instead of lowmax. i don't think i've ever been so excited to workout!!! i wonder how many calories i will burn using this video.

happy workouts ladies....
Hi ladies. I never did get that 2nd workout in yesterday. I passed out at 830 last night w/pure exhaustion!!

Well, today we had our 2yr & 2mos check ups for my two babies. They are perfect (as if I needed a pediatrician to tell me that ;) ). Jadon is sleeping his immunization pain away. Yeah! You never do know how they will react. I also was able to get the pictures in at Penneys. They do such a good job (which isn't always a good thing b/c you end up buying too many pictures). AND, we made our final decision about our new vehicle. We ordered it up. It probably won't be available for 8-12 weeks, but at least it's on its way!!

Okay, today I did Hardcore Extreme #2 plus Turbo Jam Ab. I felt like I had to hit it really hard b/c I didn't do too much yesterday and I had that Whopper. However, that Whopper didn't set me back too much, b/c I lost another 2.5lbs according to my weight! Yes, I'm at my goal weight!!! The last 5 lbs are a bonus to get me tied to my all time low wt I had between babies. Wish me luck!!! (Oh, and I won't do my measurements until Saturday...I probably have some more inches to go).

:D :D Mel's on cloud 9 :D :D

25lbs lost 8lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I bow down to you Mel! That's great. It also makes me feel better about the whopper since I finished off my 4 year old's hamburger last night then licked the batter of the cupcakes I had to make! Hey, it was my rest day...what can I say.

Tonight I'll either be doing Kick Max, IMAX3 or High Step Challenge. We'll see how I'm feeling since this is the night I teach gymnastics.

Talk to you guys soon.


22 lbs. lost, 10 lbs. to prepregnancy weight, 10 lbs. after that
Hi there! Today I did Step Blast, and I plan to do Turbo Sculpt this afternoon. Tomorrow I will start with PUB (b/c I don't look forward to doing it) and then add 30 minutes of cardio on somewhere.

It's suppose to be in the mid-40s here in MN today. That is unseasonally warm. Perhaps I should be thinking about ordering my double jogging stroller soon?!?!?

28lbs lost 5lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
hi ladies,

today i did turbo jam cardio party 1 and loved it!! i also did plb floorwork.

i've been eyeing one of the krispy kreme donuts i bought for my son, so far i've been able to keep my hands off.:p

it's been pretty nice out here in nc. so we've been able to get outside. my older ds rides his bike while i push jaden in the stroller and walk.
Hi Guys,

Hasn't been the greatest two days for me. Yesterday was my rest day so I probably ate more than I should. And today I woke up with a very sore lower back. Probably because I slept wrong. I couldn't even get anything done around the house. Believe me, I never complain so you can imagine how much pain I was in.

I'm trying to stretch it out...we'll see. Must keep going, must keep going?

Mel, where do you live in MN. I graduated from the U of M Twin Cities in 1992 (gasp). I miss that place.


22 lbs. lost, 10 lbs. to prepregnancy weight, 10 lbs. after that
Hi ladies,

well today is my off day. so i did seg 1 of stretch max. i won't really be totally off because i am gonna start cleaning the house...;o(

Allison-i hope you feel better soon.

Melanie-do you take a day off from working out?
Hi Allie & Sunny. Today I did Mindy's Cardio Toolbox and Core Max 2. I plan on doing a Turbo Jam of some sort in a little bit. Tomorrow I will do Imax Extreme & then post the results of my rotation.

Sunny, I did NOT take a day off this rotation. It was focusing on intensity & weight/inch loss. I will begin to take a day off in Feb, dropping down to workouts 5 days/week.

Also, I will slowly be adding fiber-rich carbs back into my diet. I've been playing around with it already (since I met my wt goal early) and find that this will definitely be a lifestyle change for me. For example, if I have a sugary sets the pace for the entire day and I crave sugar ALL day long (I had chocolate milk with my breakfast the other day, then ended up having a chocolate chip cookie & a MtDew as well that day). I will save my "sweets" for post dinner. Something to look forward to. Also, I will stay with my Diet Orange Sunkist rather than full sugared MtDew. Just a couple of changes I plan on implementing.

I really had fun checking in with you guys, we'll definitely be in touch at postpartum check ins. :) ;)

28lbs lost 5lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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