"Mega Step Blast" and "Step N Motion" duplicate questi...


I would love to own a copy of "Mega Step Blast" and "Step N Motion", but I just can't bring myself to order VHS tapes. I think I might even want a copy of "How To Get In Shape For Your Wedding" even though I have been happily married forever. I heard rave reviews even if it is on the easier side (wink)! Are there others who would love to see all three on a DVD. All I know is that I don't want to buy "any" VHS tapes. They wear out and just don't fit my lifestyle any longer, but I would love to own a copy of these classics. I know I can buy the VHS tapes and probably copy them onto a DVD, but I am not interested in doing that. I would prefer a first rate copy put out by SNM. Anyone else interested?


as i said on the other forum. i defiently second this!!!! i have seen clips and while the look is a little dated, they look like heart pumping workouts. and don't we all love a little cheeziness in our workouts. i will see how things go i might order the vhs anyway so i have the workouts until snm decides if they will put them on dvd or not. i really wish they would b/c it looks like workouts i would use quite often myself.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

Make it The Classics Vol 2 -- since we already have a volume 1 (so wouldn't you think a Volume 2 would be on its way?)

PLease include the Wedding video too -- I really want that on DVD!!!

Classics Vol 2 perfect title!!!!!Oh come on cathe and snm plz. you know we would preorder it LOL.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

I wanted to bump this because I would really like these older tapes put on DVD -- I have been going through my exercise video collection and converting tapes to DVD. Oh, the convenience of s DVD!!! If I wanted to skip the wedding cardio portion and go right to the strength portion I wouldn't have to fast forward for 5 minutes trying to find it! Oh, please put Mega Step Blast, the Wedding video and Step N Motion 1 on DVD!!!

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