Me, an ACE Certified Personal Trainer!

Come now, WHAT could I possibly teach Cathe? She, the goddess of all workoutdom!
Come now, WHAT could I possibly teach Cathe? She, the goddess of all workoutdom!
Come now, WHAT could I possibly teach Cathe? She, the goddess of all workoutdom!
Oh HB, ye of little faith...

You doubt yourself too soon!!

It may very well be that none of your moves or combos are exactly brand NEW to our wee goddess of fitness, but I have no doubt that your teaching style will be fresh and exciting and uniquely yours -- and ALL of us can learn from that! I'll bet Cathe would love to take a class with the rest of us!

:) :) Kathy S.
Way to go !!!!!!!!!!!!

hi honeybunch!! Congrats to You girl!! That is so awesome.. i am sure your on top of the world. You are a great advisor and i appreciate every time you answered one of my questions!!

Add one more to the list of congratulations. You work hard and deserve it. I look forward to more of your words of wisdom.

Congrats! HoneyBunch!!!! :)

I've been following your advice so I know you will be a great Personal Traniner!


I've been out of town--Congratulations! What FUN!! It is fun, isn't it?? Hope to see you in June. Your Friend, Murph
RE: Whoa!!

Hi Honeybunch,
I left you a little note on Cathe's forum, but want to add here that I am so very happy for you, and so very proud of you! I'm sure it wasn't easy. We all knew, however, that you would be successful.
You say you've learned a lot on this forum. Well, so have I, and a lot of it was from you!
Best wishes,

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