I went to the Mcdonald's web page to find the nutrition info on this salad. Here it goes.
310 calories
13 g fat
2 g sat fat
colesteral 5 mg
sodium 85mg
carbs 44g
fiber 6 g
protein 5 g
My problem with this is, it looks pretty good. Right . Well if you read on it says the salad is made with candied walnuts. The first two ingd. are sugar and honey and then malodextrin (sp). I am not sure if this is to preserve the walnuts or not but I just don't know why they wouldn't make it with just plain nuts. Like I said it is not a bad choice I just was wondering the purpose of the candied nuts. Karen
310 calories
13 g fat
2 g sat fat
colesteral 5 mg
sodium 85mg
carbs 44g
fiber 6 g
protein 5 g
My problem with this is, it looks pretty good. Right . Well if you read on it says the salad is made with candied walnuts. The first two ingd. are sugar and honey and then malodextrin (sp). I am not sure if this is to preserve the walnuts or not but I just don't know why they wouldn't make it with just plain nuts. Like I said it is not a bad choice I just was wondering the purpose of the candied nuts. Karen