~*~MAY 10 Check-In For WEEKEND 8th and 9th~*~*~


Hey girls!!!

Just starting us off this morning!!!

Will be back and post my workout plans.....
Hey Again...

It is truly a miserable day out there! It is so dark and rainy (downpouring!!) and thundering. So glad this wasn't the weather yesterday!. Oh my poor Zachy who has to deliver papers now. I feel bad. Since Greg took last night off from work (for my birthday), he's taking him out today. I kind of feel guilty about that!

I had the best time yesterday! I truly did! Thanks, Hottie, for the birthday wishes last night, you made it, just under the wire! LOL! ... I'd have to say Iron Man 2 was pretty fun! It was like a fun comic book , with BIG TIME eye candy!!! . Mickey Rourke played the bad guy, he was, as always, creepy.

I ate so bad too , but no regrets. I truly had fun.

A weird thing about eats yesterday, I didn't drink NEAR enough water , like I usually do, and thus, did not wake up until 5AM (when the cat was making hairball noises) to pee! Usually I'm up ever 2-3 hours to pee! It felt AMAZING to sleep through like that! Though i had some funky icky work nightmare dreams in the morning.

So anyways, my workout is going to be 4DS Bootcamp Upper Body Circuit just as soon as Zach leaves for his papers. OMG, he is being an ornery PIA this morning, coupled with Greg , it's not a pretty thing and I want out!

Good morning, Chris.... and everyone! I was surprised to see you starting us out and then I remembered Kathy is gone! Hope she is having a good trip and not driving in storms like you are having -- that is always miserable driving.

Sounds like you had such a great day yesterday! Wonderful! I just read your comment to me on fb, and you know what? I was so shocked to see Sylwia post something about Iron Man and Tonique, because of what you said (can you imagine that?), so I clicked on the thing and that's when I read she didn't approve of it. Well, I commented on it that "yeah, but you gotta' admit he looks pretty good in that pic" and she commented back that yes, he's totally hot but I can't mix work with pleasure or I wouldn't be able to think straight or something like that. It was very cute. I really do like her.

Joanne, if you're around! That breakfast sounded so nice! I'll bet he was so proud to be there -- rightly so! Were you and DH both able to be there? I can't remember if you mentioned that.

I did a new workout (for me) this morning -- one of the newer Tracie Long's -- Staying Power, it's called. A lighter weight interval type workout. It really moved quickly. Didn't seem all that hard, but that was ok for me today. I felt so sore in my butt/hamstrings! I don't know if it's from that Ellen I did yesterday (seems unlikely!) or the little bit of running I did at the jogathon (also seems unlikely!). Really sore.

The boys did great in the jogathon.... it was a warm day, so by the time the 5th graders ran, it was pretty hard for them. At least two boys puked, and Travis nearly did. The fire truck was there, as always, to hose down the 5th graders at the end. Travis had been looking forward to it, but he felt so miserable he barely stayed in there at all. I took him home right away and had to go back for Dylan when school was out.

Our poor school. Poor being the operative word. So many cuts in California, and we're really feeling it. We decided to have a vote on a parcel tax to cover the shortfall. Long story short, it was to be a $95 tax and we were 18 votes short!!! So, so heartbreaking. And, the salt in the wound is that it cost us $40,000 just to run the friggin' election, so we're short that now, with nothing to show for it. So the principal is out there today selling $95 cups of lemonade. I thought we should sell shirts for $100 that say "Loma Prieta Sugar Daddy/Mamma" but someone else thought of a better one: "My community is so cheap I had to buy this shirt for $100."

We were lucky enough to get tickets to a hockey playoff game tonight, but only two, so I'm taking Dylan since Travis and Larry went last week, and Larry is going to the birthday party of a friend. He's going to have to take Travis -- that'll be interesting. There will be other kids there, but Travis is not so great at stuff like that. Anyway, that's later..... I have lots to do before then, so I'd better get to it.
Oh yeah, I meant to ask you about your workout, Chris.... it's a premix, right? I've not even been aware of it.... I may have to try it. Sounds like fun -- was it?
Good morning everyone! Tonight is the first night I slept well in a long time and did not wake up in a total sweat (it's been warm and the house hasn't been cooling down in the night as much). I survived my talk though I'm not proud to say it was the thinnest in content of us all right now but with three people graduating from the lab my boss is a bit more hard pressed to not fund me. But he's trying to motivate me since he knows what's been going on at home..my favorite line as he was trying to "motivate" me on this project to help me leave was, "It'll be a highly a cited paper...a highly cited paper you haven't started the project on but it'll be highly cited."

Chris -- I'm so happy you had a nice time! I like to watch Robert Downey Jr. Actually, I'm going to watch him as Sherlock Holmes from netflix later today. I used to be so annoyed when he got stuck in rehab. Get out there and make awesome movies already! I know the Iron Man story from the comics a little (Joe knows more), and yeah, I heard it did not please the hardcore plans. But eye candy! Oooh, that premix sounds really nice for me today as well...I have to decide what I'm doing! This weekend is going to be cardio and a circuit but I haven't decided the order. Maybe I'll have another go at CCC. Or maybe not because I'm scared.

Beth -- that sucks about the election. Ugh, the cost of those votes are why I always get upset with people who are like, "why don't we just let everyone vote?" and then it's like, because it costs so much AND you don't get the result you want. I'm surprised that your town is hurting so much -- I would have thought since it was better off as a community the schools wouldn't get jacked so much. Where I live (and tutor) the parents are constantly pouring stuff into their schools which is why my therapist was like, "look, they have money they're throwing into the schools, there's nothing wrong with you charging them X to cover what their teachers won't" to make me feel better about my rates. OH -- and the weirdest thing this week. My therapist at the end of my session asked me to quote her a rate to tutor her (11 year old son) in math! Totally threw me. I don't tutor that young usually so i'll probably drop the price but yeah...Oh, and I got games last night -- they coulda kept it longer Beth if they wanted! I don't even have time (sigh) to play the ones in my "queue" (and yes, I just bought FFXIII).

Ok, i'm going to eat breakfast. I'm hungry!
Wow! Did that 4DS Premix! You know, 4DS Bootcamp has to be THE best quickie sweatiest little "fun" workout ever!! (not counting the HiiTs). Those drills are crazy! But she makes them fun (except , the butt kicks, I so hate those, I think because I feel so much impact when my feet hit the floor). Anyways, yeah, I don't think I've ever heard of OR done that one before either. It was pretty decent! I do not think I'll have major DOMS in my upper body, but I think it was good enough to keep what I have. (and get rid of some of that goo I had built up yesterday !!)

I'm going to read up on BBL today, and see how I want to work it next week. I really do like FF's Summer 2010 Rotation so far. But I REALLY want to start BBL. OMG, Jake was so funny last night. After I opened BBL, he said, "OH! Are you going to do that tomorrow? I want to do it with you!" He was sooo disappointed I wasn't going to do it. To the point of getting UPSET! You didn't tell me it came with a pencil, for "the pencil test" . LOLOL!!!

Beth: Oh I know, I hope Kathy's car trip is not running into this weather too!. ... Hey, At least Sylwia has good taste in men! ;) I wonder which picture from the movie it was? Did he have a wife beaters shirt on w/sun glasses?. I felt sorry for him in rehab. He seems tormented to me. I'm happy he's on the up side now! . Oh ya, Hottie! I've still got to watch Sherlock Holmes! Let us know how it is! ..,. Tracie Long new circuit workout sounds good! did you decide to go with the lighter weight/higher rep theory? ... I was sooooo sore yesterday too. It seemed like the longer I sat, the sorer/stiffer my legs got. A 2 hour movie wasn't therepeuitic! LOL!. ...That TRULY sucks about the election loss. I know we are in the midst of having our children in school, but alot of older people that vote aren't in that spot now, and I can see where they wouldn't vote for it. it sucks though!! I like the idea of the $100 Tshirts! Do you think people are buying the lemonade? .... COOL that you get to see the hockey play offs! I watched the Bruins game last night. What a bummer! I hope they end up pulling it off, it would be cool! Hockey is SUCH A FAST game, It makes my head spin!!

Hottie: So I think I'm confused as to what your job is right now. Is this position something you will end up leaving soon? Or not? Your boss seems to like you though, that's a good thing! .... I hear ya on the good nights sleep! Very sweet!!!!... Seems like you've built up a good rep as a tutor !! I think you'd do great with an 11 yr old boy. ....

Better go start some dinner in the crockpot...
Dinner? I haven't even started my day.

I called my mom. Oh, things are not great back home. She needed to vent. But man, do I get so frustrated with being stuck far away and feeling helpless. Now I have a headache. I wanna do my workout soon though before it warms up.

Chris -- here's the way it works. I'm a phd student. I get paid to do my research because my boss pays me a research assistantship (RA). Technically, its on top of my thesis but it rarely works out that way. If he doesn't pay me, I have to find other means to fund my term usually by teaching a class through the school. Unfortunately, though I love to teach, it is the biggest time suck you can imagine on the type of research I do which is heavily regulated by time. We don't get to choose our own schedules, we're stuck with hundreds of disgruntled students, and just massively hinders research. Everyone in (biology) science knows this which is why you avoid a TAship like the plague. So, if my boss doesn't want to give me an RA, I would be forced to do a TA usually. Not so much for me because since I'm an American citizen and I don't need a reason to be in this country (like a student visa) I could technically choose to not get paid at all, not register for a term, and then have my own schedule and answer to no one. Problem with that is 1) I get no money (though I probably could make more than what I make now in tutoring more regularly) and 2) i lose my health benefits but at least then I could piggy back through joe's insurance at work. It's a costlier avenue but much better than TAing IF my boss decides to not fund me. He did do that to someone this term but he wasn't a citizen so he had to take a TAship and man was his pissy. Anyway, with three people leaving/graduating the lab, my boss can't come up to me and say, ohhh, we don't have money to pay you. It sounds like a lot of chess strategizing (because it is), but it's part of the quirks of working in academic science.

My friend once told me she didn't realize labs were like soap operas. They are.

As for the 11 year old -- eek! I can't curse in front of an 11 year old. I have to ask her though if its to work on trouble spots or to make a more studly students. I've been missing having students who just want to be bad ass.

Oh what a nice treat! My longest student this year just nailed another A in Ochem. :):) I'm so proud of her!

Back to the grind...
Thanks for explaining, Hottie! I think I've got it! How much longer do you have before you get you PHD? And how far along are you?

Sorry things are crappy at home and you're so far away :( Hope you get to enjoy some of your weekend without stress! At least you slept good!?!?!
Oh I'm sure there are plenty of us who curse in the company of an 11 year old.... but.... we're not getting paid to be there with the kid, so maybe it's different. ;)

We are in a fairly affluent area, but there are a lot of people who aren't so well off, too, and a lot of people out of jobs. And, it didn't help that it was worded in a way that made people think this was going to be raises for teachers, instead of the reality that it is: we are going to have to let a lot of teachers go. Anyway, I passsed through the lemonade stand at about 9:30ish and they had already collected $5000. There was an article in the San Jose Mercury News on page 2 with a headline "$95 for Lemonade?" and while I was there, a couple drove up who had seen the article and they drove probably 40 or 45 minutes to give us a check. It was so cool! But apparently we still need to raise about $180K!!! Oh, part of why we were hit harder is because we are in a more affluent area, so the state of CA cut more from our school than they did from a lot of others. Enough on that!!

Chris, here's the article:

http://www.thatsfit.com/2010/05/07/robert-downey-jr-puts-on-muscle-for iron-man-2/#commentform

Hmmm, not sure that link will actually work the way it got formatted here. You can always go to my profile on fb and look for me commenting on Sylwia's link. But yes, he's wearing a black wife-beater shirt and sunglasses.

I want to see Sherlock Holmes!

I'm at work making copies of stuff and finishing a few things. Headed to my mom's tomorrow and will be there through Tuesday at least. It'll be interesting to see how well Larry does with packing lunches for the boys!

Oh, yeah, the pencil test.... guess we left that to surprise you!!!
OMG, what evil question to ask Chris! Never ask a phd student how much longer! :) Hopefully, it'll happen in the next year. I think if I didn't have to deal with the house/Joe stuff this year I woulda graduated by now but what's in the past right? Only can focus on the future...

I just did MMA KB. It definitely is "easier" on the heart than some of her others but I think it was right for me today. Definitely want something more intense tomorrow though. Been eyeing to try a premix off the terminator...and I finally got myself a playground ball to do physique 57 without a 10lb med ball in between my legs...

I'm on a cleaning and re-organizing binge. After my shower I think i'll tackle some more before tutoring. And I got a mop! Like the ones janitors have in big buildings. I thin we may have finally found a solutions for all our bare floors (the swiffer just is too small).

Yes, buying a mop is the most exciting part of my weekend...next to the Cathe nation!

Ok, shower time.
Happy Mother's day guys! I'm sorta futzing in bed...I think it may be the last day of TOM! Evee did decide to lick me in bed though so its sorta like a mother's day present...that I get everyday...
Yes, Happy Mother's Day to all! Well, let's see.... I was awoken earlier than I wanted to be by the "cat alarm", I did a workout, and I cleaned out the cat box. Sounds like a normal day so far! :)

I almost did MMA KB, Hottie! At last minute I switched to 4DS KB. Love that one, as you guys know.

The Sharks game was sooooo much fun! Wow! They won, and because they won, this was the last game in this series of the playoffs, so it was just incredibly exciting! I've never been to anything with that much excitement, I don't think. Our arena recently got some noise for being the loudest hockey venue, and before the game started they put up the list of loud venues on the jumbotron, with us being #1 of course, and the crowd just went nuts. It was really loud. I've been going to games for years, and there's always been a "rowdy crowd" that's extra loud, and it's always in the same place. Well, I got to sit in the rowdy crowd! Right next to one of the loudest guys. It was so much fun. Crazy. Ended up taking Travis after the boys flip-flopped all day long on who would go. Larry took Dylan to the surprise party, and he said Dylan as so good and really fun to have there, so I think it all worked out well.

Chris, I'm theoretically on my STS recovery week, but it does sort of look like I decided to go with light weights, doesn't it? After yesterday's workout..... but..... I think I'm still somewhat undecided. I don't know what I'll be doing when I'm out of town the next few days -- just have to play it by ear. May run, may do some internet workouts, or may just do nothing!

Hope everyone has a great day! Joanne, I hope you enjoyed your multiple breakfasts!

Hope you girls are having a nice day, getting a little pampering in!

I woke up to about 10 minutes of adoration from my boys! :)

Got some homemade cards, and then THREE Pandora Bracelet charms!!!! :eek: One is a running shoe (from Zach), one if Alex's favorite color blue with white hearts, and one is a heart with a small pink stone in it (from Jake). Jake made a flower that said I LOVE YOU BECAUSE:

1. You read to me
2. you cook
3. you make my breakfast
4. you take are of me
5. you are nice
6. you're the best

And gave me coupons for hugs kisses and doing the dishes! So cute!

And who the hell said they were sure they wouldn't get DOMS from the 4DS BC Circuit yesterday? OMG, my shoulders are killing me! And my back , which never gets sore, is a little too. Recommendation for an upper body circuit for sure!!

Hottie: That was definitely Evee's mother's day present to you!!! She's so sweet!

Beth: that hockey game sounds so cool!!! I know the energy at Red Sox games are pretty intense, but this sounds crazier and LOUDER! How fun! Did Travis love it? He's all better too?.... You should take a rest/recovery week! I didn't realize you had done 4 weeks! Time flies!... Will be thinking of you on your trip. You leave today, or tomorrow? You're flying?...

I stupidly just ate the rest of the bakery cookies for my "breakfast" and I totally feel like hurling. Nice! To complete my junk food weekend, Greg went to get a pizza for dinner, so I didn't have to "cook". And for "Nurse's Week", they are having Ice Cream Sundaes tonight. Oh my! I think I just want a celery stick!!!
Aww, your boys are so sweet Chris! I ate like crap for you too, just so you wouldn't feel alone. ;) I got Step Moves in today but because of my lack of managing my time better I couldn't get any scuplting in. We'll see about tomorrow...

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