Yes, Happy Mother's Day to all! Well, let's see.... I was awoken earlier than I wanted to be by the "cat alarm", I did a workout, and I cleaned out the cat box. Sounds like a normal day so far!
I almost did MMA KB, Hottie! At last minute I switched to 4DS KB. Love that one, as you guys know.
The Sharks game was sooooo much fun! Wow! They won, and because they won, this was the last game in this series of the playoffs, so it was just incredibly exciting! I've never been to anything with that much excitement, I don't think. Our arena recently got some noise for being the loudest hockey venue, and before the game started they put up the list of loud venues on the jumbotron, with us being #1 of course, and the crowd just went nuts. It was really loud. I've been going to games for years, and there's always been a "rowdy crowd" that's extra loud, and it's always in the same place. Well, I got to sit in the rowdy crowd! Right next to one of the loudest guys. It was so much fun. Crazy. Ended up taking Travis after the boys flip-flopped all day long on who would go. Larry took Dylan to the surprise party, and he said Dylan as so good and really fun to have there, so I think it all worked out well.
Chris, I'm theoretically on my STS recovery week, but it does sort of look like I decided to go with light weights, doesn't it? After yesterday's workout..... but..... I think I'm still somewhat undecided. I don't know what I'll be doing when I'm out of town the next few days -- just have to play it by ear. May run, may do some internet workouts, or may just do nothing!
Hope everyone has a great day! Joanne, I hope you enjoyed your multiple breakfasts!