Maximum weight in Slow & Heavy?


I need to purchase some dumbbells and would like to know what your heaviest dumbbell is that you use with the Slow & Heavy series.

I have not done this series yet, just want to get an idea what set to buy 5-50 lbs. OR 5-25 lbs.

I know it will vary from person to person, just tell me what you have used.

Thanks a bunch!
I have 5-25 lbs. If I go over that I use my barbell. I believe in legs, she use a 40lb for plie squats (I think - it's been a while) but that's the only time she uses a dumbbell over 25lbs. I use a barbell for that exercise instead as I never have had a need for a dumbbell heavier then 25lbs.

I use 5-20 pound dumbells for S&H, and barbell only for all leg exercises, up to 60 pounds. But if you are stronger, you may want the 25 pounders also for chest work and back work.

I agree. Up to 25 lb dumbells is good for most individuals for upper body work. For lower body, I use a barbell and a squat rack. I also use a barbell for the plie squats, even when I was down at 40 lbs. To me this was too heavy to hold comfortably as a dumbell.
I have 3 - 20 lb. (the 3's are actually for my dh, but I use them for the rotator cuff exercises in the shoulder workout in S&H). In S&H Legs, I use a dumbbell bar that I purchased and add 40 lbs. of plates from my barbell. The 10 lb. plate is so wide that it makes it easy to keep a good grip on the weight for the plie squats. You'll see what I mean when you do S&H Legs the first time.

I can't remember what the cost of weights is at the sporting goods store, but a 40lb. dumbbell would be pretty costly for just one exercise that you do maybe 4 times every few months....

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