Max Rotation


Hello! I was just wondering who has done the MAX rotation that was in the rotations sent out by Kathy S. How long should this rotation be? How many weeks?
Thanks for any info.

I did Cathes advanced treadmill workout. It was great. I left out the 8mph for 5 minutes that was optional. I am going to try to add that in this week.

I hope everyone is doing well. The stress and emotions from the tragedy is still so strong for me yet. My husband is active duty and I seem to be worrying all the time. Exercise helps me deal with this time, as it is for alot of you too it seems.
Cathe's advanced treadmill workout?

Am I missing something? Cathe has a treadmill workout? Where can I buy this?


The treadmill workout is a written workout I got on the Rotations that Kathy S sent out. Sorry for the confusion.

Oh, sorry.I should have figured that one out myself, Cathe does not have treadmill tapes.
Would you happen to have a copy of it? I run quite a bit, both outside and on my treadmill, and that stupid treadmill is beyond boring, even with the tv blaring in front of me. If its a pain, don't worry about it, but if its handy I'd love to try something new. Thanks!
I REALLY want to try the Max rotation but it may have to wait awhile. I don't have enough time in the morning to do BodyMax since I already get up at 4:30 as it is to do a 60-70 minute workout. The weekends are busy with my son's soccer practice and Sunday school. Maybe in November when his soccer season is over. . .

I am finishing up a S&H rotationa nd will be starting Max rotation in 2 weeks. Have you started it yet? How can you NOT lose weight in it? I am looking forward to it but am also a little intimidated. Let me know how you are doing and I will check in once I start it.
Hello! No, I have not started the MAX rotation yet. I am starting week 8 of a PS rotation. I am going to stay on this for a total of 10 weeks. Then my son will be done with soccer and I will have more time to workout at night. Body Max is a long tape.

It looks like a lot of fun, the MAX rotation. How long are you going to stay on it? Let me know how the first week goes..
It looks like you will be starting it one week before me. Let's compare how we feel and results!!

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