I live in CT so I don't know if that counts. I was surprised to find out that I live only 2 1/2 hours from Boston by car. I live about an hour north of NYC.My husband used to live and work near Springfield.
Not Mass but near the border on the Vermont side. I'm in Putney, just north of Brattleboro (which is north of Greenfield Mass on 91).
I am all the way across the country in Washington State -- but my hubby is from Hudson, Mass -- so we ring in "GO PATS!


My husband is from Vermont and we always stopped at Curtis's Barbecue near Putney. He also has a friend that lives in Bellows Falls!
>I live in Methuen, MA.

Hi Melissa,

Both of my parents are from Methuen!! I spent a lot of time there as a child visiting my grandparents.
Another CT person. Also, 2.5 hours from Boston and 1 hour from NYC. EVCT, you sound like you live close to me!

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