Marvelous Moms & their equally Marvelous Babes 5/2

Christine~gotta get 5 mile run in tomorrow. I did BBL abs tonight (20 mins). So how bout I do Squeeze upper body & my 5 miles tomorrow?

Are you doing any ChaLEAN right now? Just curious if you are working your lower body at all (other than training)?

I'm working on learning all this training lingo: repeats, tempos, hill repeats, speed work, etcetra. It's so fun to me to have this new "hobby". We have very FLAT land here. There's only one hill that I'm aware of & I might need to attack it a few times. The interm schedule has one day/week of either hill repeats or speed work. I'm looking at maybe doing the speed work on the school track. Any thoughts?

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