~`~` Marvellous Monday for Clean Eaters `~`~


Wendy, I am BEYONE EXCITED for a trip away with my sister! Julia is still nursing, usually 3x/day but she doesnt need it for nutrition and I can tell my supply is waning so I'm just going to go for it and hope for the best. I'm taking my pump in case I get too full. How bittersweet that JJ has stopped. How many times/day was he nursing before the sudden stop?
I dont have a BB but am so intrigued and tempted by them! I say go for it! Katie had a GWF before Skunkette.

Klaudia, Good job on the eating and sweating!
No Meijer for me either - day got crazy on me! But I did manage a last-minute appt to get my hair cut & colored.:p

Clintonya, Back-from-vaca madness! Hope your girls had a fun night!

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