got up at 5 and did some laundry and about 40 min of strikezone. i really have mixed feelings on this one. i do jacks in between striks, so that helps. i think the cueing needs to be better, esp when josef i leading. cathe spoils us!
going to the kitchen design place today for the possible addition. im trying to not get too excited.... prepping myself tp talk myself out of it.
1 - add larger kitchen/dining
2 - #1 w/ adding upstairs 2 bedr & 2 baths
3 - nixing the whole hing
we are very comfortable w/ our mortgage payment & it scares me to go higher. im sure we can but i dont know if i want to.... ask me that when im making dinner tonight. our kitchen isnt small....i just like to really spread out. id have TWO ISLANDS!!! this kitchen is awesome....i hope i can talk myself into it!
jess, if hes pooping/peeing your boobs ae doing their job! w/ all 3 of my dds they would get to a point whre they only pooped abt 1x/wk...then it would be a massive blowout!

dr said it was fine - w/ breastmilk theres little waste.
leg twitch - maybe just his nervous system working out, but def get it looked at if it continues!
becky, youre a little busy!!
congrats on your grad!!!! how exciting!
and yay z!!!! i love when they get mobile! its so hard to not "help" them roll over & watch them struggle!! j would do iyt in bed and waited abt a month to show us too!
stephanie, yday was my busy-no-official-meal day.
busy week ahead for you! go cut up lots of fresh veggies so you have them ready for munching!
what is oliver getting done??? hope hes ok!
sneak in 10 min of walking wherever you can - it has a cumulative effect and adds up quick. pushups, tricep dips, crunches, jumping jacks, run up and down the stairs! you can do it!!! work that body! it will give you energy for all those mom things we have to do!!!

love ya!