Quick note to apologize for my total rant earlier. I had a rough morning, but the day got better... SO glad this busy week is over. Next week will be a fun one wrapping up the school year. I'm eager to have us all home for the summer (let's see how long that eagerness lasts!!
). Thanks for letting me vent... As for the scales... I agree, Kate. I was frustrated after trying on some of my "fat" clothes last night, which STILL are too tight, and then the scale this morning just pushed me into a very depressed state. But the jeans I wore today were much looser than the last time I wore them (and they had just been washed), so that's a good sign. Anyway...
Kate--Thanks for the pep talk!! You're such a great motivator. Good luck on your run!! I had a BLAST running last night on the TM. I'm really enjoying it. Hope you do too!!
Candra--I had forgotten about your lack of weightloss until 8 months pp, and then you said you lost it all by 12 months, right? That definitely would be wonderful!!
Sydney--Congrats on the new job!!! As for the bodybugg, I'd LOVE to have one, but I can't justify the cost. If I'm going to spend $200, it's gonna be on STS!!
Lisa--THanks for the sweet words! I'm 35 too and things just don't snap back like they did before then. I think multiple c-sections also doesn't help my big droopy gut. But I'm in better spirits now. Thanks to you guys!!
HI to all you other mamas!!
OK< now I'm gonna decompress after a LONG day and have some wine then a salad and think I may skip a workout tonight (I didn't eat but one thing today, so I think I can afford it). Tomorrow: Muscle Endurance and hopefully another good run.
Thanks again ladies for letting me vent earlier!!!